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How can I check each elements when it one row and two columns with list of all the x and y coordinates.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I have list of the y and x coordinates which I have called it 'coords'. Also, I have another list 'S' that contains list of x and y coordinates but this list bigger than the first one due to contain some the y and x coordinates in or out of the first list ' coords'. as shown in the attachments.
**what I am looking, to check each coordinats y x from the second list 'S' with the first list 'coords':
When any S(1:length(S) , 2) = = any coords(1:length(coords), 2)
-Save the first coordinates y x from the S list coordinates in S ( as a first element) and ignoor the others.
When S(1:length(S) , 2) not = any coords(1:length(coords), 2)
-Save the first coordinates y x from the S list coordinates in S (as a second elements) and ignoor the others.

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019년 12월 28일
Use ismember()
  댓글 수: 1
Mohammed Alammar
Mohammed Alammar 2019년 12월 29일
편집: Mohammed Alammar 2019년 12월 29일
Thank you for reply. I have used this but not worked because it was checked each column separately.
Lia = ismember(S(:,:),coords(:,:));
d = find(Lia==1,1,'first');
S(1,:)= S(d,:);
d = find(Lia==0,1,'first');
S(2,:)= S(d,:);
could you please help me

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