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Numerically derive a continous, non-symbolic function

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
fi 2019년 11월 26일
댓글: darova 2019년 11월 27일
I have a function defined via
function y = f(x)
% ...
. I now want to numerically calculate the value of it's derivative at a given point. As in, what should be in the following function's body?
function y = derivative_of_f(x)
% Calculate derivative of f at position x here
Is there any way to do this, without having to implement numerical differentiation myself?

채택된 답변

darova 2019년 11월 26일
편집: darova 2019년 11월 27일
Derivative is (if you have numerical data)
dy = (y(i)-y(i-1)) / (t(i)-t(i-1));
Maybe diff (if you have a function) ?
syms x
  댓글 수: 8
fi 2019년 11월 27일
Well, the answer is currently in your comment and there is no accept button for that :(
Could you maybe edit you original answer?
darova 2019년 11월 27일
yes please

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