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basic question about matrices

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Sanket Dahat
Sanket Dahat 2019년 11월 25일
댓글: Sanket Dahat 2019년 11월 25일
Given a Matrix A,
  • Create a row vector of 1's that has same number of elements as A has rows.
  • Create a column vector of 1's that has the same number of elements as A has columns.
  • Using matrix multiplication, assign the product of the row vector, the matrix A, and the column vector (in this order) to the variable result.
Think about what the result represents...
explain the step of solving

채택된 답변

Philippe Lebel
Philippe Lebel 2019년 11월 25일
편집: Philippe Lebel 2019년 11월 25일
  댓글 수: 2
Guillaume 2019년 11월 25일
And I'd recommend going through the free matlab onramp course, and reading the getting started tutorial in the doc because, frankly, this is extremely basic homework that anybody who's doing a matlab course should be able to do on their own if they put a modicum of effort.
Sanket Dahat
Sanket Dahat 2019년 11월 25일

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