Performing RMS on a EEG singal

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Ramakrishna Maganti
Ramakrishna Maganti 2019년 11월 21일
편집: Daniel M 2019년 11월 21일
Dear all,
I have a EEG recording for 24 hrs using frontal EEG on a mouse. I would like to do root mean sqaure of the entire signal. EEG was recorded at 512 hz and will be band pass filtered between 9 and 15 Hz for the purposes of analysis. Would anyone please be able to provide a MATLAB script to run the script on a EEG (EDF) file please?? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your consideration.

답변 (1개)

Daniel M
Daniel M 2019년 11월 21일
You will have to download a tool that can read EDF files. You can search the File Exchange for this, or use the Fieldtrip or EEGLAB toolboxes.
The command to calculate rms of a signal, x, is just rms(x).
  댓글 수: 2
Ramakrishna Maganti
Ramakrishna Maganti 2019년 11월 21일
I already have a .edfload MATLAB script that can read a EDF file. How do I get a script for RMS to run then?
Daniel M
Daniel M 2019년 11월 21일
편집: Daniel M 2019년 11월 21일
I don't know how new you are to MATLAB. Load your file. Access your data. Preprocess your data according to your needs (you mentioned a bandpass filter). Use the rms function.
There are probably a zillion EEG pipelines out there if you just looked.

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