Changing the transparency of a plot line, saved in a fig file

조회 수: 38 (최근 30일)
Alexander von Mach
Alexander von Mach 2019년 11월 5일
댓글: Alexander von Mach 2019년 11월 6일
I'm trying to make some changes to some graphs that I already saved as a picture. I have the Fig.-File an when I open it one of the lines that was 50% transparent when I saved it is full opaque now. Is there a way to access the individual plot handels afterwards?
I tried changing the color in the plot edior but nothing changes even when I change the transparency to 100%.

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Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 11월 5일
편집: Adam Danz 2019년 11월 5일
Manually edit each line object
The easiest method would be to open the fig file, use the pointer to select the line you'd like to edit so that it is the current object, and then execute this line of code in the command window. 0.5 is the transparency level between 0 (invisible) and 1 (opaque).
set(gco, 'Color', [get(gco,'Color'), 0.5])
Programmatically edit all line objects on the axes
Another method is to get the handle from the axes programmatically but then you have to add additional steps to isolate the handle you'd like to change. If you'd like to set the transparency of all objects on the axes, select the axes so it's the current axis and then run this line from the command window. Again, 0.5 is the transparency level.
% Transparency level of all objects > > > > > > vvv
set(get(gca,'Children'),{'color'},cellfun(@(x)[x,0.5],get(get(gca, 'Children'),'color'),'UniformOutput',false))
The reason why the transparency levels aren't saved in the figure
The reason the transparency level doesn't appear when opening the figure is because this 4th element of the color vector is undocumented and isn't saved when saving the figure.

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