finding the position of values in a matrix

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
sampath kumar punna
sampath kumar punna 2019년 10월 30일
댓글: sampath kumar punna 2019년 10월 30일
i have set
12 14
1 2
12 4
6 14
12 18
12 4
1 2]
1 2
1 2
6 14
12 4]
can i get the position of Y elements in X matrix as the number are repeated its hard for me to find using code normal code. can any one please help me.

답변 (1개)

galaxy 2019년 10월 30일
idx_rows =
2 3 4 6 7
  댓글 수: 3
galaxy 2019년 10월 30일
because X and Y array has same value, if you want to find only one, you need use unique function
sampath kumar punna
sampath kumar punna 2019년 10월 30일
yes X and Y have same values but Y is not having all values of X only few values are in Y, so for those some values in Y, what is the position in X.

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