Error in matlab included deep learning example
조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I am trying to run the matlab example
In 2019b but, when i change to train the network on gpu the example show me this error. Please help me to run it or give me a workaround to train using gpu.
Error using gpuArray/subsasgn
Attempt to grow array along ambiguous dimension.
Error in deep.internal.recording.operations.ParenAssignOp/forward (line 45)
x(op.Index{:}) = rhs;
Error in deep.internal.recording.RecordingArray/parenAssign (line 29)
x = recordBinary(x,rhs,op);
Error in dlarray/parenAssign (line 39)
objdata(varargin{:}) = rhsdata;
Error in SeqToSeqClassificationUsing1DConvAndModelFunctionExample>maskedCrossEntropyLoss (line 484)
loss(i) = crossentropy(dlY(:,i,idx),dlT(:,i,idx),'DataFormat','CBT');
Error in SeqToSeqClassificationUsing1DConvAndModelFunctionExample>modelGradients (line 469)
loss = maskedCrossEntropyLoss(dlY, dlT, numTimeSteps);
Error in deep.internal.dlfeval (line 18)
[varargout{1:nout}] = fun(x{:});
Error in dlfeval (line 40)
[varargout{1:nout}] = deep.internal.dlfeval(fun,varargin{:});
Error in SeqToSeqClassificationUsing1DConvAndModelFunctionExample (line 284)
[gradients, loss] = dlfeval(@modelGradients,dlX,Y,parameters,hyperparameters,numTimeSteps);
댓글 수: 1
Edric Ellis
2019년 10월 15일
Thanks for reporting this - I can reproduce the problem using R2019b here, I shall forward this to the development team...
채택된 답변
Joss Knight
2019년 10월 15일
There is a bug in this Example which will be rectified. Thanks for reporting. To workaround, initialize the loss variable in the maskedCrossEntropyLoss function:
function loss = maskedCrossEntropyLoss(dlY, dlT, numTimeSteps)
numObservations = size(dlY,2);
loss = zeros([1,1],'like',dlY); % Add this line
for i = 1:numObservations
idx = 1:numTimeSteps(i);
loss(i) = crossentropy(dlY(:,i,idx),dlT(:,i,idx),'DataFormat','CBT');
댓글 수: 6
2019년 12월 29일
편집: Walter Roberson
2019년 12월 30일
I found another solution for
"Error using gpuArray/subsasgn
Attempt to grow array along ambiguous dimension."
In dlarray/parenAssign.m, at this location:"\R2019b\toolbox\nnet\deep\@dlarray\parenAssign.m"
Line 15:
obj = zeros(0, 0, 'like', rhs);
Replace line 15 with the following 2 lines:
szrhs = size(rhs);
obj = zeros(szrhs(1), szrhs(2), 'like', rhs);
Users cannot directly edit this file, so I backed it up and replace it with a new file.
추가 답변 (2개)
Linda Koletsou Soulti
2019년 10월 22일
Thank you for reporting the issue. The error you are getting is related to an attempt to grow a gpuArray using linear indexing assignment.
For more information please refer to the following bug report:
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