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requires more input atguments to run

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hafizah Halip
Hafizah Halip 2019년 10월 9일
댓글: Renato SL 2019년 10월 10일
hello, i get this coding and i having a problem to run it. If anyone can try to help me, it would be much appriciated. thank you!
function [c, offset, A, tau, dc, dtau, irs, zz, t, chi] = Fluofit(irf, y, p, dt, tau, lim, init)
% The function FLUOFIT performs a fit of a multi-exponential decay curve.
% It is called by:
% [c, offset, A, tau, dc, doffset, dtau, irs, z, t, chi] = fluofit(irf, y, p, dt, tau, limits, init).
% The function arguments are:
% irf = Instrumental Response Function
% y = Fluorescence decay data
% p = Time between laser exciation pulses (in nanoseconds)
% dt = Time width of one TCSPC channel (in nanoseconds)
% tau = Initial guess times
% lim = limits for the lifetimes guess times
% init = Whether to use a initial guess routine or not
% The return parameters are:
% c = Color Shift (time shift of the IRF with respect to the fluorescence curve)
% offset = Offset
% A = Amplitudes of the different decay components
% tau = Decay times of the different decay components
% dc = Color shift error
% doffset = Offset error
% dtau = Decay times error
% irs = IRF, shifted by the value of the colorshift
% zz Fitted fluorecence component curves
% t = time axis
% chi = chi2 value
% The program needs the following m-files: simplex.m, lsfit.m, mlfit.m, and convol.m.
% (c) 1996 Jörg Enderlein
fitfun = 'lsfit';
close all
irf = irf(:);
offset = 0;
y = y(:);
n = length(irf);
if nargin>6
if isempty(init)
init = 1;
elseif nargin>4
init = 0;
init = 1;
if init>0
[cx, tau, c, c] = DistFluofit(irf, y, p, dt, [-3 3]);
cx = cx(:)';
tmp = cx>0;
t = 1:length(tmp);
t1 = t(tmp(2:end)>tmp(1:end-1)) + 1;
t2 = t(tmp(1:end-1)>tmp(2:end));
if length(t1)==length(t2)+1
if length(t2)==length(t1)+1
if t1(1)>t2(1)
tmp = [];
for j=1:length(t1)
tmp = [tmp cx(t1(j):t2(j))*tau(t1(j):t2(j))/sum(cx(t1(j):t2(j)))];
tau = tmp;
c = 0;
if (nargin<6)||isempty(lim)
lim = [zeros(1,length(tau)) 100.*ones(1,length(tau))];
p = p/dt;
tp = (1:p)';
tau = tau(:)'/dt;
lim_min = lim(1:numel(tau))./dt;
lim_max = lim(numel(tau)+1:end)./dt;
t = 1:length(y);
m = length(tau);
x = exp(-(tp-1)*(1./tau))*diag(1./(1-exp(-p./tau)));
irs = (1-c+floor(c))*irf(rem(rem(t-floor(c)-1, n)+n,n)+1) + (c-floor(c))*irf(rem(rem(t-ceil(c)-1, n)+n,n)+1);
z = convol(irs, x);
z = [ones(size(z,1),1) z];
%A = z\y;
A = lsqnonneg(z,y);
z = z*A;
close all
if init<2
disp('Fit = Parameters =');
param = [c; tau'];
% Decay times and Offset are assumed to be positive.
paramin = [-1/dt lim_min];
paramax = [ 1/dt lim_max];
[param, dparam] = Simplex(fitfun, param, paramin, paramax, [], [], irf(:), y(:), p);
c = param(1);
dc = dparam(1);
tau = param(2:length(param))';
dtau = dparam(2:length(param));
x = exp(-(tp-1)*(1./tau))*diag(1./(1-exp(-p./tau)));
irs = (1-c+floor(c))*irf(rem(rem(t-floor(c)-1, n)+n,n)+1) + (c-floor(c))*irf(rem(rem(t-ceil(c)-1, n)+n,n)+1);
z = convol(irs, x);
z = [ones(size(z,1),1) z];
z = z./(ones(n,1)*sum(z));
%A = z\y;
A = lsqnonneg(z,y);
zz = z.*(ones(size(z,1),1)*A');
z = z*A;
dtau = dtau;
dc = dt*dc;
dtau = 0;
dc = 0;
chi = sum((y-z).^2./abs(z))/(n-m);
t = dt*t;
tau = dt*tau';
c = dt*c;
offset = zz(1,1);
A(1) = [];
if 1
hold off
subplot('position',[0.1 0.4 0.8 0.5])
v = axis;
v(1) = min(t);
v(2) = max(t);
xlabel('Time in ns');
ylabel('Log Count');
s = sprintf('COF = %3.3f %3.3f', c, offset);
s = ['AMP = '];
for i=1:length(A)
s = [s sprintf('%1.3f',A(i)/sum(A)) ' '];
s = ['TAU = '];
for i=1:length(tau)
s = [s sprintf('%3.3f',tau(i)) ' '];
subplot('position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.2])
v = axis;
v(1) = min(t);
v(2) = max(t);
xlabel('Time in ns');
s = sprintf('%3.3f', chi);
text(max(t)/2,v(4)-0.1*(v(4)-v(3)),['\chi^2 = ' s]);
set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.01 0.05 0.98 0.83])
  댓글 수: 7
Adam 2019년 10월 10일
I assume you mean you just hit the 'Run' button.
The function takes arguments though. I would assume you would expect to pass these in anyway otherwise how do you expect it to know what parameters you are using.
You need to call it either from command line, script or function as
[c, offset, A, tau, dc, dtau, irs, zz, t, chi] = Fluofit(irf, y, p, dt, tau, lim, init);
having defined all those input arguments beforehand or replace them with numbers in that call.
The output arguments are optional, especially after the first one.
Renato SL
Renato SL 2019년 10월 10일
I think the following discussion might help. The answers & comments there are interesting.
  1. How can I run this function?
  2. Function requires more input arguments to run
Nevertheless, reading the documentation on the basics of MATLAB functions won't hurt (here).

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