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How to use interp1 to stretch out smaller vector to the size of larger vector?

조회 수: 31 (최근 30일)
So I have two vectors, lets call them A and B. A is the smaller vector, and has 1260 columns. B is the larger vector and has 1778 columns. I want to take an average of both these vectors. This is being hard because they are different sizes. Is there a way for me to use interp1 so that I can stretch out the smaller vector to match the size of the larger vector? Any help would be really appreciated!

채택된 답변

John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2019년 9월 30일
편집: John D'Errico 2019년 9월 30일
Assuming that you intend to create a vector of averages, do this:
Ahat = interp1(1:1260,A,linspace(1,1260,1778));
C = (Ahat + B)/2;
  댓글 수: 2
Zuha Yousuf
Zuha Yousuf 2019년 10월 2일
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this has helped me!
SURESH KUMAR 2024년 1월 19일
it helped me alot . I wanted to strech the time series data without changing the y axis values and it does perfectly however i had to come up with understading about the duration for which i wanted my expension.. Anyways Thanks
Here is my if anyone needs

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