submitWithConfiguration not working in matlab R2019b

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Umang Patel
Umang Patel 2019년 9월 22일
이동: Rik 2022년 10월 13일
Beforehand on previous versions of matlab my following code was working fine. However, after upgrading to latlab R2019b, i get the following error in the submitWithConfiguration function in which it says that 'parts function is not defined.
Here is my code
function submit()
conf.assignmentSlug = 'logistic-regression';
conf.itemName = 'Logistic Regression';
conf.partArrays = { ...
{ ...
'1', ...
{ 'sigmoid.m' }, ...
'Sigmoid Function', ...
}, ...
{ ...
'2', ...
{ 'costFunction.m' }, ...
'Logistic Regression Cost', ...
}, ...
{ ...
'3', ...
{ 'costFunction.m' }, ...
'Logistic Regression Gradient', ...
}, ...
{ ...
'4', ...
{ 'predict.m' }, ...
'Predict', ...
}, ...
{ ...
'5', ...
{ 'costFunctionReg.m' }, ...
'Regularized Logistic Regression Cost', ...
}, ...
{ ...
'6', ...
{ 'costFunctionReg.m' }, ...
'Regularized Logistic Regression Gradient', ...
}, ...
conf.output = @output;
function out = output(partId, auxstring)
% Random Test Cases
X = [ones(20,1) (exp(1) * sin(1:1:20))' (exp(0.5) * cos(1:1:20))'];
y = sin(X(:,1) + X(:,2)) > 0;
if partId == '1'
out = sprintf('%0.5f ', sigmoid(X));
elseif partId == '2'
out = sprintf('%0.5f ', costFunction([0.25 0.5 -0.5]', X, y));
elseif partId == '3'
[cost, grad] = costFunction([0.25 0.5 -0.5]', X, y);
out = sprintf('%0.5f ', grad);
elseif partId == '4'
out = sprintf('%0.5f ', predict([0.25 0.5 -0.5]', X));
elseif partId == '5'
out = sprintf('%0.5f ', costFunctionReg([0.25 0.5 -0.5]', X, y, 0.1));
elseif partId == '6'
[cost, grad] = costFunctionReg([0.25 0.5 -0.5]', X, y, 0.1);
out = sprintf('%0.5f ', grad);
Following is the error i get
Unrecognized function or variable 'parts'.
Error in submitWithConfiguration (line 4)
parts = parts(conf);
Error in submit (line 40)
Please give me some suggestions as for how to solve this. Thanks for your time!
  댓글 수: 18
Priya Priya
Priya Priya 2021년 9월 18일
이동: Rik 2022년 10월 13일
have also same problem.
Himanshu Rajaura
Himanshu Rajaura 2022년 2월 7일
이동: Rik 2022년 10월 13일
have same problem

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채택된 답변

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2019년 9월 22일
편집: Bruno Luong 2020년 7월 19일
The problem is in the statement
parts = parts(conf);
In MATLAB 2019B, you cannot use the same name of variable and function, because the JIT will consider the PARTS as variable and overshadow your function.
This change is new for R2019B, please read the Release Note for more information.
In anycase use the same name for VARIABLE and FUNCTION is evidently a terrible way of programming (I see the same happens inside the body of PARTS function).
EDIT: Workaround If you are allowed to edit and make change of function submitWithConfiguration, change the LHS of line 4, AND successive instants of "parts" after this line to "part_variable".
part_variable = parts(conf); % Keep the "parts" on RHS
% ... also successive instant of "parts" to "part_variable" without double quote
  댓글 수: 18
Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar 2021년 4월 27일
'parts' requires one of the following:
Automated Driving Toolbox
Navigation Toolbox
Robotics System Toolbox
Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox
UAV Toolbox
Error in submitWithConfiguration (line 4)
parts = parts(conf);
Error in submit (line 45)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in makeValidFieldName (line 7)
Warning: Function Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: /MATLAB Drive/machine-learning-ex1/machine-learning-ex1/ex1/lib/./lib/jsonlab
> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In addpath (line 49)
In submitWithConfiguration (line 2)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in submitWithConfiguration (line 4)
partsfun = parts(conf);
i am still geting this error
Rik 2021년 7월 8일
Comment posted as flag by Chandini pradhan:
part_variable = parts(conf); this is also not working .showing the same problem

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추가 답변 (6개)

Tom Mosher
Tom Mosher 2020년 2월 22일
편집: Tom Mosher 2020년 2월 22일
I am a mentor for the Coursera "Machine Learning" course. I'm posting here in hopes that students of the course will stop using this thread.
  • Students should not modify their submit functions.
  • The course materials have been updated to address this issue.
  • There are separate programming exercise zip files for Octave and MATLAB Online. If you download the correct zip file, you won't have this problem.
If you are using MATLAB Online and see this "parts" = parts(conf)" error, it means you installed the wrong zip file.
  • The zip file for use with MATLAB Online is available via the Week 2 course materials page that has the MATLAB Online setup instructions. This zip file also includes the 'mlx' companion scripts that include the exercise instructions.
  • The zip file you find on the "Programming Assignments" page is only for use with Octave - or with older desktop MATLAB versions that don't support mlx files.
  댓글 수: 12
Amirali Malekani Nezhad
Amirali Malekani Nezhad 2021년 10월 22일
It's not working. The 2021 submit files are not working sir. I tried Octave. I tried Matlab, I tried github versions, I tried your versions, None of them work and all fail in the submission part. I really don't know what else to try, none of your versions work.
Tom Mosher
Tom Mosher 2021년 10월 22일
The MATLAB scripts work with MATLAB Online.
The Octave scripts work with Octave and with MATLAB r2019a and earlier.
Hundreds of thousands of students have used these programming assignments without problems.
Please post your questions about the course on the Coursera "Machine Learning" forum.

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Guillaume 2019년 9월 22일
What you're seeing is a documented change of behaviour in R2019b, regarding poorly written code as is the case here.
Matlab no longer accepts the same name being used for both a variable and a local function. See identifiers cannot be used for two purposes inside a function.
The simplest fix is to rename the parts function to partsfun or similar and do the same where it is called, so on line 4:
parts = partsfun(conf);
and on line 77:
function parts = partsfun(conf)
If that code was provided to you by your tutor, you're entitled to complain to them. They shouldn't give you code that has so many mlint warnings.
Even that parts function is poorly written:
function parts = partsfun(conf)
parts = num2cell(cell2struct(vertcat(conf.partArrays{:}), {'id', 'sourcefiles', 'name'}, 2))';
would produce the same output.
  댓글 수: 5
Krish Chatterjee
Krish Chatterjee 2020년 8월 25일
Thank you so much! It worked for me too. :)
zi Qin
zi Qin 2020년 10월 23일
Thanks!you are right.

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Cesare Ressa
Cesare Ressa 2020년 2월 4일
  댓글 수: 4
Amirali Malekani Nezhad
Amirali Malekani Nezhad 2021년 10월 22일
I am using your own submission files sir. The UPDATED ones as you say. It DOES NOT work. It keeps giving errors. I have tried everything and quite frankly am out of ideas and really need help because I wish to complete the course but can't submit any of my assignments. Please assist me ASAP.
my email is
Please email me or comment here asap.
Amirali Malekani Nezhad
Amirali Malekani Nezhad 2021년 10월 22일
Here is what I get
Running warmUpExercise ...
5x5 Identity Matrix:
ans =
Diagonal Matrix
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
Program paused. Press enter to continue.
Plotting Data ...
Program paused. Press enter to continue.
Testing the cost function ...
With theta = [0 ; 0]
Cost computed = 32.072734
Expected cost value (approx) 32.07
With theta = [-1 ; 2]
Cost computed = 54.242455
Expected cost value (approx) 54.24
Program paused. Press enter to continue.
Running Gradient Descent ...
Theta found by gradient descent:
Expected theta values (approx)
warning: legend: ignoring extra labels.
warning: called from
legend>parse_opts at line 817 column 9
legend at line 206 column 8
ex1 at line 88 column 1
For population = 35,000, we predict a profit of 4519.767868
For population = 70,000, we predict a profit of 45342.450129
Program paused. Press enter to continue.
Visualizing J(theta_0, theta_1) ...
>> submit
warning: load_path: lib\jsonlab: No such file or directory
warning: load-path: update failed for 'lib\jsonlab', removing from path
warning: load_path: lib\jsonlab: No such file or directory
warning: called from
submit at line 2 column 3
warning: load-path: update failed for 'lib\jsonlab', removing from path
warning: called from
submit at line 2 column 3
warning: addpath: ./lib/jsonlab: No such file or directory
warning: called from
submitWithConfiguration at line 2 column 3
submit at line 45 column 3
warning: load_path: lib\jsonlab: No such file or directory
warning: called from
submitWithConfiguration at line 2 column 3
submit at line 45 column 3
warning: load-path: update failed for 'lib\jsonlab', removing from path
warning: called from
submitWithConfiguration at line 2 column 3
submit at line 45 column 3
== Submitting solutions | Linear Regression with Multiple Variables...
Login (email address): *******
Token: *******
warning: load_path: lib\jsonlab: No such file or directory
warning: called from
submitWithConfiguration>makePartsStruct at line 85 column 15
submitWithConfiguration>makePostBody at line 76 column 20
submitWithConfiguration>submitParts at line 65 column 8
submitWithConfiguration at line 22 column 14
submit at line 45 column 3
warning: load-path: update failed for 'lib\jsonlab', removing from path
warning: called from
submitWithConfiguration>makePartsStruct at line 85 column 15
submitWithConfiguration>makePostBody at line 76 column 20
submitWithConfiguration>submitParts at line 65 column 8
submitWithConfiguration at line 22 column 14
submit at line 45 column 3
warning: load_path: lib\jsonlab: No such file or directory
warning: called from
submitWithConfiguration>makePartsStruct at line 85 column 15
submitWithConfiguration>makePostBody at line 76 column 20
submitWithConfiguration>submitParts at line 65 column 8
submitWithConfiguration at line 22 column 14
submit at line 45 column 3
warning: load-path: update failed for 'lib\jsonlab', removing from path
warning: called from
submitWithConfiguration>makePartsStruct at line 85 column 15
submitWithConfiguration>makePostBody at line 76 column 20
submitWithConfiguration>submitParts at line 65 column 8
submitWithConfiguration at line 22 column 14
submit at line 45 column 3
!! Submission failed: 'makeValidFieldName' undefined near line 85, column 85
Function: submitWithConfiguration>makePartsStruct
FileName: C:\Users\elmm\Desktop\Andrew Ng Machine Learning Assignments\NOO\lib\submitWithConf
LineNumber: 85
Please correct your code and resubmit.

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Tom Mosher
Tom Mosher 2020년 5월 2일
I am a mentor for Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course.
The recommended fix for this issue is to use the correct set of programming exercise scripts.
There are two sets:
  • One for Octave (it's in the "Programming Assignment" page).
  • The other is for MATLAB 2019b and later - like MATLAB Online. It has the fix required for this "parts = parts(conf)" issue. The MATLAB version of the programming exercise scripts is on the page in Week 2 with the MATLAB Online setup instructions.
***** Other benefits of using the right set of scripts *****
If you get the MATLAB version of the programming exercise scripts, you also get the ".mlx" helper script file, with the built-in instructions and fancy Notebooks-like interface. That is not provided with the Octave version of the scripts.
You also get all eight programming exercises in one swipe- with Octave, you have to repeat the download-and-extract business eight times during the course.
So, please use the right programming exercise scrips - and stop modifying the submit functions. Many students break things when trying that. It's a bad day for everyone.
Thank you.
  댓글 수: 9
Natalie Scherrer
Natalie Scherrer 2021년 10월 26일
I have the same problem
Tom Mosher
Tom Mosher 2021년 10월 26일
I have the same recommendation.

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Tom Mosher
Tom Mosher 2020년 8월 31일
I request that the OP of this thread please close it to further comments.
The question has been answered multiple times.
  댓글 수: 4
Swarrangi P
Swarrangi P 2020년 10월 9일
Even after following all the steps im not able to submit it.
Tom Mosher
Tom Mosher 2020년 10월 9일
If you have problems with the course assignments, please post on the course Discussion Forum - not here.

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kapil vaishnav
kapil vaishnav 2021년 8월 16일
Submission failed: unexpected error: Unrecognized field name "assignmentSlug".
how to solve this?
  댓글 수: 3
Shreyas 2022년 10월 13일
I have the same problem, is there any fix ?
Rik 2022년 10월 13일
@Shreyas Have you read the second answer in this thread?

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