Writing a script to compile using mcc

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Daniel Wells
Daniel Wells 2012년 9월 11일
I am having trouble figuring out how to automate part of my MATLAB workflow, and would appreciate some help. I am using the mcc command to compile programs on a remote machine in order to run batch jobs. However, due to a quirk in the machine setup or in the MATLAB version installed, I am required to add a single line the "run_" file outputted from mcc in order to make the code run. Furthermore, both the "run_" file and the actual compiled code must be copied to all the nodes of the remote machine via the terminal command "acp (program) (folder)"
I would like to write a script which can automate this process, that is, a script which can take in the name of the file I wish to compile, compile it using "mcc -mv file", change the desired line in the outputted "run_" file, and then use "!acp file folder" to perform the acp command. I can do the last part, but the first two parts are giving me trouble. Any help in this matter would be really great.
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Dr. Seis
Dr. Seis 2012년 9월 12일
- Is the single line you need to add after the "run_SOMETHING.sh" related to a path needed for locating dynamically linked libraries?
- Is the location of the files that are produced from running mcc not accessible on all the other nodes that will run the program?
I've got several GUI's that I have compiled on one remote machine, but all of them can be run on any other remote machine by supplying the full path to the "run_SOMETHING.sh" followed by the full path to the directory the installation of Matlab can be found, i.e.:
/my/full/path/run_SOMETHING.sh /abc/local/some/thing/matlab/r2011a/

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Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2012년 9월 12일
It looks like you already know how to call "mcc" and your system utility "acp" from a MATLAB script - your question as far as I can tell is just about replacing a particular string in a file with another string. You might be able to use a combination of the Low-Level File I/O functions to achieve this, but there seem to be several utilities out there to do this from MATLAB already. For example, see this MATLAB File Exchange submission: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/18909-replace-strings-in-text-file


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