function Structural_drift
x0 = [0 1];
t = [0 120];
[T, X] = ode45(@EOM, t, x0);
plot(T, X(:,1), T, X(:,2));
function dx = EOM(t, x)
M =87500;
k = 20000;
c = 170;
Cd = 5000;
Fd = Cd*x(2);
F = 500000*sin(w*t) ;
term1 = F;
term2 = k*x(1);
term3 = c*x(2);
term4 = Fd;
term5 = M;
dx = [x(2); ((term1 - term2 - term3 - term4)/(term5))];
When using ODE45 for an equation of motion. The forcing amplitude is F. When i change this value the peak value of displacement from the solver isn't changing, it's always the same value regardless of the force size?
any help would be seriously appreciated