Throughput measurement for Simulink model

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Vijiyalakshmi Ganesan
Vijiyalakshmi Ganesan 2019년 8월 12일
댓글: Vijiyalakshmi Ganesan 2019년 8월 29일
Am working on component level design and development of matlab model for powertrain and steering systems. Usually throughtput is measured at integrated software at system level. But I need to find throughput at component level at matlab design phase itself . so that I could identify how much load my design is going to produce in terms of %. I could see some examples in 2019b matlab, but is there any settings/ options available in 2013b or 2017b to directly measure the throughput of the design ?

답변 (1개)

Divya Yerraguntla
Divya Yerraguntla 2019년 8월 28일
  댓글 수: 1
Vijiyalakshmi Ganesan
Vijiyalakshmi Ganesan 2019년 8월 29일
Hi, Divya Yerraguntla,
Thanks for sharing the link. I looked into it and it is useful !!

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