How to deembed the Sparam?

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
zahrein yaacob
zahrein yaacob 2019년 8월 7일
댓글: Patrick Wegener 2024년 6월 12일
Hi i have 2 sparameter. The 1st Sparameter is the main S param. The 2nd S param is the file that i would like to deembed.
How do i performed deembed function.?

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Divya Yerraguntla
Divya Yerraguntla 2019년 8월 10일
편집: Divya Yerraguntla 2019년 8월 10일
Have a look at this example showing extraction and de-embedding of S-parameters data from a file using "sparameters" and "deembedsparams" functions.
Hope it helps!
  댓글 수: 1
Patrick Wegener
Patrick Wegener 2024년 6월 12일
Hi Divya,
i have a similar problem. I would like to deembed a 3-port network. So i have 4 S-Parameters. The 1st S-Parameter is the main sparam and 3 additional sparameters which represents the fixtutes i would like to deembed. Regarding the example you referred to, I have another pad in addition to the “left pad” and “right pad” which I would like to deembed. What is the best way to realize this with Matlab?
best regards

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