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My file compiled .exe does not run as it should.
조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Good morning. I have the following problem I have 4 file files: form1.fig form1.m form2.fig form2.m I'm trying to make a single compiled .exe file with these 4 files, but I can not get the actions contained within form2.fig and form2.m to run. There are calculated data that must be transferred from the form1.ma form2.my and I am using the function (eval) in form1.m (which according to the documentation could give problems when compiling, however I do not see that is affecting the compilation corresponding to the form1.m) When executing my files inside MATLAb there are no problems in the execution, I do not know why in the compiler if there are problems. If you think it is necessary, I leave the files in the post for analysis. Thank you very much for your help.
댓글 수: 6
2019년 7월 21일
I have very little experience with compiling code, but from your description it sounds like you're using GUIDE (which I'm not a fan of) and eval (which is a bad design in (almost) every case).
Since you are compiling your code it makes intuitive sense to me that there may be a difference, especially when using complex runtime functions like eval.
Try to reduce your code to the smallest unit that reproduces the issue. That helps tracking down the cause, and it helps people on this forum to help you more effectively.
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 22일
Thank you very much for your answer. I am trying to change the programming so as not to depend on the eval function. As soon as I finish restructuring the programming, I will send you the codes so you can help me review them. Maybe with this new programming the problem that I have now is repaired by itself. :)
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
Hello again. Look, I already removed all the eval functions that my code had but I still have the same problem, and I really don't know where to put the problem. I suppose there must be more functions that I am using and that the compilation does not allow me to use. Would it be too much trouble if I sent you my 2 .m files for you to look at? I don't know what essential part of the code I could send you, since I don't know where the problem can be located. Thank you very much for your help.
Walter Roberson
2019년 7월 24일
Which toolboxes are you using? In particular are you using Symbolic toolbox? That cannot be compiled.
If you attach your code and fig here probably someone will look at it, assuming it has some comments. (People tend to give up quickly on long uncommented code)
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
If I have a part where I use functions of symbolic order for the clearance of a polynomial equation. Could it be that?
I am using a symbolic variable "w" and functions such as: "sym2poly" and "roots"
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
And this is all my GUI 2 code:
function varargout = form2(varargin)
% FORM2 MATLAB code for form2.fig
% FORM2, by itself, creates a new FORM2 or raises the existing
% singleton*.
% H = FORM2 returns the handle to a new FORM2 or the handle to
% the existing singleton*.
% FORM2('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
% function named CALLBACK in FORM2.M with the given input arguments.
% FORM2('Property','Value',...) creates a new FORM2 or raises the
% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
% applied to the GUI before form2_OpeningFcn gets called. An
% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
% stop. All inputs are passed to form2_OpeningFcn via varargin.
% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one
% instance to run (singleton)".
% Edit the above text to modify the response to help form2
% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 09-Jun-2019 11:05:47
% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
gui_Singleton = 1;
gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...
'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...
'gui_OpeningFcn', @form2_OpeningFcn, ...
'gui_OutputFcn', @form2_OutputFcn, ...
'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...
'gui_Callback', []);
if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})
gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});
if nargout
[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
% --- Executes just before form2 is made visible.
function form2_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.
% hObject handle to figure
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% varargin command line arguments to form2 (see VARARGIN)
% Choose default command line output for form2
handles.output = hObject;
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
%mcc -m form1.m;
global NP
global TTT
global Kss
global Ksp
global NCKss
global NFKss
global NCKsp
global NFKsp
global MRT
global NodosT
global VarElem_F
global Nodos_cim
handles.form1_h = findobj(groot, 'tag', 'form1');
handles1 = guidata(handles.form1_h); %this is form1's handles
handles.data_form2_needs = handles1.data_form2_will_need; % pasa KC
handles.data_form2_needs_KSS = handles1.data_form2_will_need_Kss;% pasa Kss
handles.data_form2_needs_KSP = handles1.data_form2_will_need_Ksp;% pasa Ksp
handles.data_form2_needs_NCKss = handles1.data_form2_will_need_NCKss;% pasa Nodos Kss (Colum)
handles.data_form2_needs_NFKss = handles1.data_form2_will_need_NFKss;% pasa Nodos Kss (Filas)
handles.data_form2_needs_NCKsp = handles1.data_form2_will_need_NCKsp;% pasa Nodos Ksp (Colum)
handles.data_form2_needs_NFKsp = handles1.data_form2_will_need_NFKsp;% pasa Nodos Ksp (Filas)
handles.data_form2_needs_MRT = handles1.data_form2_will_need_MRT;% pasa MRT
handles.data_form2_needs_NodosT = handles1.data_form2_will_need_NodosT;% pasa NODOS
handles.data_form2_needs_NumElem = handles1.data_form2_will_need_NumElem;% pasa NumEle
handles.data_form2_needs_Nodos_cim =handles1.data_form2_will_need_Nodos_cim; % pasa Nodos de cimentacion.
guidata(hObject, handles)
guidata(hObject, handles)
NumPiso= length ( TTT ( : , 1 ) ) - 1 ;
% --- Executes on button press in CalcularDin.
function CalcularDin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to CalcularDin (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
syms w
global datos
global NP
global TTT
global Kss
global Ksp
global NCKss
global NFKss
global NCKsp
global NFKsp
global MRT
global NodosT
global VarElem_F
global Nodos_cim
for j=1:NP
v_masa (j,1) = datos (j,2) ;
Matriz_masa = diag(v_masa);
Ecua=det((10^6)*Cant_port*TTT(1:NP,1:NP) - (w^2)*Matriz_masa );
Ecua=sym2poly (Ecua);
sol_frec= sol_frec (sol_frec >= 0);
sol_frec =sort (sol_frec);
% -------LLena modos
for f=1:NP
% -------LLena w
for f=1:NP
tabla_modos(f,2)= sol_frec (f,1);
% -------LLena f
for f=1:NP
tabla_modos(f,3)= (tabla_modos(f,2))/(2*3.141592) ;
% -------LLena T
for f=1:NP
tabla_modos(f,4)= ((2*3.141592)/ tabla_modos(f,2)) ;
% -------Determinacion de modos de vibracion---------------------
XonT = zeros(NP+1) ;
XonT_C= cell(NP+1,NP+1)
for f=1:NP
Modos = (TTT(1:NP,1:NP)*(10^6)*Cant_port) - ((sol_frec(f,1))^2)*Matriz_masa ;
EO1= Modos(2:NP, 1);
EOO= Modos(2:NP, 2:NP);
Xon = inv(EOO)*(-1)*(EO1);
Xon =[1;Xon];
XonT (1:NP, f) = Xon ;
XonT_C (:, f) = [ num2cell(Xon) ; ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
XonT_C {f, NP+1} = ['Piso ',num2str(NP-menospiso)] ;
% -------Normalizacion de modos de vibracion---------------------
v_masa=v_masa; % del piso mas alto al los mas bajos
den = zeros(NP,1);
Modos= zeros(NP,NP);
Modos_C = cell(NP+1,NP+1);
ModosCol= zeros(NP,1);
for c=1:NP
for f=1:NP
Aux = v_masa(f,1)* ( XonT ( f , c ) )^2 + Aux;
den (c,1) = ( Aux )^0.5;
for f=1:NP
Modos( f , c ) = XonT(f , c ) / den ( c , 1 ) ;
ModosCol (f,1)= Modos( f , c );
Modos_C (:, c) = [ num2cell(ModosCol) ; ['Mod',num2str(c)] ] ;
Modos_C {c, NP+1} = ['Piso ',num2str(NP-menospiso)] ;
% -------Coeficientes de participacion---------------------------
porc_masa_total= zeros(NP,NP); %modo y %masa
Coe_par = zeros (NP,1) ;
vector_unos = ones (NP,1);
Modos_C_T = transpose(Modos_C); % BORRAR AL FINAL
Coe_par = -transpose(Modos)* Matriz_masa * vector_unos ; %--->COE DE PART MODAL (R): DEL PASO 6. Del el modo mas Bajo al mas Alto.
Coe_par_cua= power(Coe_par,2);
for f=1:NP
porc_masa_total (f,1) = f ;
porc_masa_total (f,2) = (Coe_par_cua (f,1) ) / sum(Coe_par_cua) ; %modo y %masa
% -------Determinacion de valores de espectro de diseño----------
%-----Label a variables--------------
To= 0.1*((Av*Fv)/(Aa*Fa));
Tc= 0.48*((Av*Fv)/(Aa*Fa));
Tl= 2.4*Fv;
%---Condiciones para hallar Sa---------
tabla_modos=tabla_modos; % 4º Columna es el periodo
Sa_C= cell(NP,2);
for f=1:NP
if (tabla_modos (f,4)) <= To
if tabla_modos (f,1)~= 1
Sa(f,1)=2.5*Aa*Fa*I*(0.4+0.6*( ( (tabla_modos (f,4)) ) / To ));
Sa_C (f, :) = [ num2cell(Sa(f,1)) , ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
Sa_C (f, :) = [ num2cell(Sa(f,1)) , ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
elseif ( (tabla_modos (f,4))> To && (tabla_modos (f,4)) <= Tc )
Sa_C (f, :) = [ num2cell( Sa(f,1) ) , ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
elseif ( (tabla_modos (f,4))> Tc && (tabla_modos (f,4)) <= Tl )
Sa(f,1) = ( 1.2*Av*Fv*I )/ (tabla_modos (f,4)) ;
Sa_C (f, :) = [ num2cell(Sa(f,1)) , ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
elseif (tabla_modos (f,4)) > Tl
Sa(f,1)= ( 1.2*Av*Fv*Tl*I )/ ((tabla_modos (f,4)))^2 ;
Sa_C (f, :) = [ num2cell(Sa(f,1)) , ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
%*******Mostrar Sa en Msgbox******************
% now as you know this matrix is in cell format so can not be display in msgbox
% so we need to convert it into string or char format, as follows..
[row, column] = size (Sa_C);
% below logic to find the max length of all digits or strings in matrix
maxLength = 0;
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
maxLength = max (length (num2str (Sa_C {count1,count2})),maxLength);
% below logic to make all values or string to be of same length, so I am adding spaces.
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
if maxLength == length (num2str (Sa_C{count1,count2}))
Sa_C_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (Sa_C{count1,count2});
diff1 = maxLength - length (num2str (Sa_C{count1,count2}));
Sa_C_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (Sa_C{count1,count2});
for i=1:diff1
Sa_C_temp {count1,count2} = [' ',Sa_C_temp{count1,count2}];
[row, column] = size (Sa_C_temp);
finalStringtoDisplay = '';
% below logic is to concatenate all values in single row to one string
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
finalStringtoDisplay = [finalStringtoDisplay,' ',Sa_C_temp{count1,count2}];
finalStringtoDisplay = sprintf ('% s \n',finalStringtoDisplay);
%msgbox (finalStringtoDisplay,'Sa'); % to diplay the message box.
%-----Aceleraciones y desplazamintos max--------------
M_Sa=Sa; %Sa desde el modo 1 hasta los que que existan.
M_Sag=Sa*9.81;%Sag desde el modo 1 hasta los que que existan.
M_Sd_c = cell(NP,2);
for f=1:NP
M_Sd(f,1)= M_Sag(f,1)/ ( w(f,1) )^2 ; % Sd desde el modo 1 hasta los que que existan.
M_Sd_c (f, :) = [ num2cell(M_Sd(f,1)) , ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
tabla_ace_desp= [M_Sa,M_Sag,w,M_Sd]; % Tabla con : Cada fila es del modo 1 en adelante, 1º columna: Sa / 2º columna: Sa afctado por g / 3º columna: frecuencias naturrales "w" / 4º columna: Sd
%*******Mostrar M_Sd en Msgbox******************
% now as you know this matrix is in cell format so can not be display in msgbox
% so we need to convert it into string or char format, as follows..
[row, column] = size (M_Sd_c);
% below logic to find the max length of all digits or strings in matrix
maxLength = 0;
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
maxLength = max (length (num2str (M_Sd_c {count1,count2})),maxLength);
% below logic to make all values or string to be of same length, so I am adding spaces.
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
if maxLength == length (num2str (M_Sd_c{count1,count2}))
M_Sd_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (M_Sd_c{count1,count2});
diff2 = maxLength - length (num2str (M_Sd_c{count1,count2}));
M_Sd_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (M_Sd_c{count1,count2});
for i=1:diff2
M_Sd_c_temp {count1,count2} = [' ',M_Sd_c_temp{count1,count2}];
[row, column] = size (M_Sd_c_temp);
finalStringtoDisplay = '';
% below logic is to concatenate all values in single row to one string
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
finalStringtoDisplay = [finalStringtoDisplay,' ',M_Sd_c_temp{count1,count2}];
finalStringtoDisplay = sprintf ('% s \n',finalStringtoDisplay);
%msgbox (finalStringtoDisplay,'Sd.E.D.D(m)'); % to diplay the message box.
%-----Aceleraciones, desplazamintos max y giros --------------
Zi= zeros(1,NP);
Zi_c = cell(2,NP);
menospiso =0;
Coe_par=Coe_par; %--->COE DE PART MODAL (R): DEL PASO 6. Del el modo mas Bajo al mas Alto.
Yp = zeros(NP,NP+1);
Yp_c= cell(NP+1,NP+1);
NodosT1= sortrows(unique(NodosT(:,2)),'descend');
NodosT= sortrows(NodosT,2,'descend');
%--->Despla Max y Despla translacionales
for f=1:NP
[Pos_GL_Y1] = find( NodosT (:,2) == NodosT1(f,1) );
[Minx_piso,Pminx]= min( NodosT( Pos_GL_Y1,1 ) );
Zi (:,f) = abs( Coe_par(f,1) )* M_Sd(f,1); % desplazamientos
Zi_c (:, f) = [ num2cell( Zi (:,f) ) ; ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
Yp(1:NP, f)= Modos (:,f)*Zi(1,f);
Yp(f, 4)= NodosT ( Pos_GL_Y1 (Pminx,1) , 3 );
Yp_c (:, f) = [ num2cell(Yp(1:NP, f)) ; ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
Yp_c {f, NP+1} = ['U ',num2str( NodosT ( Pos_GL_Y1 (Pminx,1) , 3 ) )] ;
menospiso=menospiso+1; % BORRAR
%*******Mostrar Yp_c en Msgbox******************
% now as you know this matrix is in cell format so can not be display in msgbox
% so we need to convert it into string or char format, as follows..
[row, column] = size (Yp_c);
% below logic to find the max length of all digits or strings in matrix
maxLength = 0;
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
maxLength = max (length (num2str (Yp_c {count1,count2})),maxLength);
% below logic to make all values or string to be of same length, so I am adding spaces.
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
if maxLength == length (num2str (Yp_c {count1,count2}))
Yp_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (Yp_c {count1,count2});
diff3 = maxLength - length (num2str (Yp_c {count1,count2}));
Yp_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (Yp_c {count1,count2});
for i=1:diff3
Yp_c_temp {count1,count2} = [' ',Yp_c_temp{count1,count2}];
[row, column] = size (Yp_c_temp);
finalStringtoDisplay = '';
% below logic is to concatenate all values in single row to one string
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
finalStringtoDisplay = [finalStringtoDisplay,' ',Yp_c_temp{count1,count2}];
finalStringtoDisplay = sprintf ('% s \n',finalStringtoDisplay);
%msgbox (finalStringtoDisplay,'Yp-tras (m)'); % to diplay the message box.
%------------------------->Despla Rotacionales
Ksp_N=zeros( length(NFKsp)+1,length(NCKsp)+1 ) ;
Kss_N=zeros( length(NCKss)+1,length(NCKss)+1 ) ;
Ksp_N(length(NFKsp)+1,1:length(NCKsp))= NCKsp;
Ksp_N( 1 : length(NFKsp) , length(NCKsp)+1 )= NFKsp;
Ksp_N( 1 : length(NFKsp) , 1:length(NCKsp) ) = Ksp_N( 1 : length(NFKsp) , 1:length(NCKsp) ) + Ksp;
Kss_N(length(NFKss)+1,1:length(NCKss))= NCKss;
Kss_N( 1:length(NFKss) , length(NCKss)+1 )= NFKss;
Kss_N( 1:length(NFKss) , 1:length(NCKss) ) = Kss_N( 1 : length(NFKsp) , 1:length(NFKss) ) + Kss;
Ys_c= cell(m_Ys+1,NP+1);
for f=1:NP
Ys(:,f)= -inv(Kss)*Ksp*Yp(:,f);
Ys_c (:, f) = [ num2cell(Ys(:,f)) ; ['Mod',num2str(f)] ] ;
for f=1:m_Ys
Ys(f,4)= NFKsp(f,1) ;
for f=1:length(NFKsp)
Ys_c {f, NP+1} = ['T',num2str(NFKsp(f,1))] ;
%*******Mostrar Ys_c en Msgbox******************
% now as you know this matrix is in cell format so can not be display in msgbox
% so we need to convert it into string or char format, as follows..
[row, column] = size (Ys_c);
% below logic to find the max length of all digits or strings in matrix
maxLength = 0;
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
maxLength = max (length (num2str (Ys_c {count1,count2})),maxLength);
% below logic to make all values or string to be of same length, so I am adding spaces.
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
if maxLength == length (num2str (Ys_c {count1,count2}))
Ys_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (Ys_c {count1,count2});
diff4 = maxLength - length (num2str (Ys_c {count1,count2}));
Ys_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (Ys_c {count1,count2});
for i=1:diff4
Ys_c_temp {count1,count2} = [' ',Ys_c_temp{count1,count2}];
[row, column] = size (Ys_c_temp);
finalStringtoDisplay = '';
% below logic is to concatenate all values in single row to one string
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
finalStringtoDisplay = [finalStringtoDisplay,' ',Ys_c_temp{count1,count2}];
finalStringtoDisplay = sprintf ('% s \n',finalStringtoDisplay);
h = msgbox (finalStringtoDisplay,'Ys-rot (Rad)'); % to diplay the message box.
set(h, 'position', [100 300 500 200]); %makes box bigger
set (h, 'Resize' , 'on' );
%-----Buscando nodos Y fomando vector de desplaz --------------
NodosT1= sortrows(unique(NodosT(:,2)),'descend');
NodosT= sortrows(NodosT,2,'descend');
[X,Y] = ismember(NodosT1,NodosT (:,2));
Despl_T= [ Yp_c ; Ys_c ] ;
Despl_T2= [ Yp ; Ys ] ; % AGREGAR!!
Num_nodos = ( NodosT ( 1:FxNT , 2 ) )' ;
X = diff(Num_nodos)~=0;
B = find([true,X]);
E = find([X,true]);
C= [B;E]; %C tiene tantas columnas como pisos.
for f=1:NP
MatrizNodosPiso = NodosT ( C(:,f), : )
[AA,BB]= ismember ( MatrizNodosPiso (:,3) , Despl_T2 (1:Fyp,4) ); % ismember(B,A); %Donde estan los elementos de B dentro de A (A grande)
[AA1,BB1]= ismember ( Despl_T2 (1:Fyp,4) , MatrizNodosPiso (:,3) );
PosCeros = find(BB == 0);
PosUno =find(BB1 ~= 0);
for j=1:NumNodos
Agregarfila=Despl_T2(PosUno,1:3); % Fila a copiar
Agregarfila=[Agregarfila MatrizNodosPiso( PosCeros ( j , 1 ) , 3 ) ];
Despl_T2 = [Despl_T2(1:PosUno+1-1, :); Agregarfila ; Despl_T2(PosUno+1:end, :)]
for j=1:length (Nodos_cim)
Agregarfila = [0 0 0 Nodos_cim(j,1)];
Despl_T2 = [Despl_T2(1:Fdes*0.5-1, :); Agregarfila ; Despl_T2(Fdes*0.5:end, :)];
Despl_T2 = [Despl_T2; Agregarfila];
%-----FUERZAS INTERNAS --------------
for j=1:NP
for f=1:VarElem_F
AA_U= ismember ( Despl_T2 (1:Fdes*0.5,4) , MRT (f*7,1:3) ); % Posiciones de Nodo inicial en Despl_T2 (U)
BB_U= ismember ( Despl_T2 (1:Fdes*0.5,4) , MRT (f*7,4:6) ); % Posiciones de Nodo final en Despl_T2 (U)
AA_T= ismember ( Despl_T2 (Fdes*0.5+1:Fdes,4) , MRT (f*7,1:3) ); % Posiciones de Nodo inicial en Despl_T2 (T)
BB_T= ismember ( Despl_T2 (Fdes*0.5+1:Fdes,4) , MRT (f*7,4:6) ); % Posiciones de Nodo final en Despl_T2 (T)
AA_U= find(AA_U == 1);
BB_U= find(BB_U == 1);
AA_T= find(AA_T == 1)+Fdes*0.5 ;
BB_T= find(BB_T == 1)+Fdes*0.5 ;
if ( sum(AA_U(:)~=0) && sum(BB_U(:)~=0) )
Vec_despla(1,1)=Despl_T2 (AA_U,j);
Vec_despla(3,1)=Despl_T2 (AA_T,j);
Vec_despla(4,1)=Despl_T2 (BB_U,j);
Vec_despla(6,1)=Despl_T2 (BB_T,j);
matriz_fuerzas= MRT (i:i+5,1:6) * Vec_despla;
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (1,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {2, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (2,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {3, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (3,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {4, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (4,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {5, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (5,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {6, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (6,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {7, 1} = ['Mod ', num2str( j ) ];
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = ['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {2, 2} = ['Fy', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {3, 2} = ['M', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {4, 2} = ['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(BB_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {5, 2} = ['Fy', num2str( Despl_T2(BB_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {6, 2} = ['M', num2str( Despl_T2(BB_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {7, 2} = ['Mod ', num2str( j ) ];
%*******Mostrar FUERZAS INT en Msgbox******************
% now as you know this matrix is in cell format so can not be display in msgbox
% so we need to convert it into string or char format, as follows..
[row, column] = size (matriz_fuerzas_c);
% below logic to find the max length of all digits or strings in matrix
maxLength = 0;
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
maxLength = max (length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2})),maxLength);
% below logic to make all values or string to be of same length, so I am adding spaces.
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
if maxLength == length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2}))
matriz_fuerzas_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2});
diff4 = maxLength - length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2}));
matriz_fuerzas_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2});
for i=1:diff4
matriz_fuerzas_c_temp {count1,count2} = [' ',matriz_fuerzas_c_temp{count1,count2}];
[row, column] = size (matriz_fuerzas_c_temp);
finalStringtoDisplay = '';
% below logic is to concatenate all values in single row to one string
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
finalStringtoDisplay = [finalStringtoDisplay,' ',matriz_fuerzas_c_temp{count1,count2}];
finalStringtoDisplay = sprintf ('% s \n',finalStringtoDisplay);
h = msgbox (finalStringtoDisplay,'Fuerzas (N) y Mom (N*m)') ; % to diplay the message box.
set(h, 'position', [100 300 250 200]); %makes box bigger
set (h, 'Resize' , 'on' ) ;
% --- Executes when entered data in editable cell(s) in TablaMasa.
function TablaMasa_CellEditCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to TablaMasa (see GCBO)
% eventdata structure with the following fields (see MATLAB.UI.CONTROL.TABLE)
% Indices: row and column indices of the cell(s) edited
% PreviousData: previous data for the cell(s) edited
% EditData: string(s) entered by the user
% NewData: EditData or its converted form set on the Data property. Empty if Data was not changed
% Error: error string when failed to convert EditData to appropriate value for Data
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% num_elem=cell(NP,2);
% num_elem(:,:)={''};
% set(handles.TablaMasa,'Data',num_elem);
% MasaDig(1,2) = str2double(eventdata.EditData) ;
% set(handles.TablaMasa,'Data', MasaDig);
% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.
function varargout = form2_OutputFcn(~, ~, handles)
% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);
% hObject handle to figure
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Get default command line output from handles structure
varargout{1} = handles.output;
function Fv_Label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Fv_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of Fv_Label as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of Fv_Label as a double
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function Fv_Label_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Fv_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
function Fa_Label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Fa_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of Fa_Label as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of Fa_Label as a double
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function Fa_Label_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Fa_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
function Aa_Label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Aa_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of Aa_Label as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of Aa_Label as a double
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function Aa_Label_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Aa_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
function Av_Label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Av_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of Av_Label as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of Av_Label as a double
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function Av_Label_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Av_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
function I_Label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to I_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of I_Label as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of I_Label as a double
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function I_Label_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to I_Label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function TablaMasa_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to TablaMasa (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
function Can_port_label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Can_port_label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of Can_port_label as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of Can_port_label as a double
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function Can_port_label_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Can_port_label (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
답변 (1개)
Walter Roberson
2019년 7월 24일
Absolutely nothing about the Symbolic Toolbox can be compiled.
The work-around (which is not always good enough) is to do the calculations in symbolic form ahead of time and generate matlab code from the result, such as using matlabFunction() with the 'file' option.
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = ['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
That block of code looks suspicious to me. I suspect you are trying to use numbered variables -- which would fit in with your earlier use of eval() .
maxLength = max (length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2})),maxLength);
Sure enough: num2str() applied to a character vector that contains a variable name, is equivalent to eval() of the variable name. You have only gotten rid of the eval() on the surface.
댓글 수: 11
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
편집: Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
I create all the numbered variables because I need them to display matrices in an organized way in several msgboxes. In these lines of code you can understand what they were programmed for:
for j=1:NP
for f=1:VarElem_F
AA_U= ismember ( Despl_T2 (1:Fdes*0.5,4) , MRT (f*7,1:3) ); % Posiciones de Nodo inicial en Despl_T2 (U)
BB_U= ismember ( Despl_T2 (1:Fdes*0.5,4) , MRT (f*7,4:6) ); % Posiciones de Nodo final en Despl_T2 (U)
AA_T= ismember ( Despl_T2 (Fdes*0.5+1:Fdes,4) , MRT (f*7,1:3) ); % Posiciones de Nodo inicial en Despl_T2 (T)
BB_T= ismember ( Despl_T2 (Fdes*0.5+1:Fdes,4) , MRT (f*7,4:6) ); % Posiciones de Nodo final en Despl_T2 (T)
AA_U= find(AA_U == 1);
BB_U= find(BB_U == 1);
AA_T= find(AA_T == 1)+Fdes*0.5 ;
BB_T= find(BB_T == 1)+Fdes*0.5 ;
if ( sum(AA_U(:)~=0) && sum(BB_U(:)~=0) )
Vec_despla(1,1)=Despl_T2 (AA_U,j);
Vec_despla(3,1)=Despl_T2 (AA_T,j);
Vec_despla(4,1)=Despl_T2 (BB_U,j);
Vec_despla(6,1)=Despl_T2 (BB_T,j);
matriz_fuerzas= MRT (i:i+5,1:6) * Vec_despla;
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (1,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {2, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (2,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {3, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (3,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {4, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (4,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {5, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (5,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {6, 1} = matriz_fuerzas (6,1) ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {7, 1} = ['Mod ', num2str( j ) ];
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = ['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {2, 2} = ['Fy', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {3, 2} = ['M', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {4, 2} = ['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(BB_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {5, 2} = ['Fy', num2str( Despl_T2(BB_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {6, 2} = ['M', num2str( Despl_T2(BB_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
matriz_fuerzas_c {7, 2} = ['Mod ', num2str( j ) ];
%*******Mostrar FUERZAS INT en Msgbox******************
% now as you know this matrix is in cell format so can not be display in msgbox
% so we need to convert it into string or char format, as follows..
[row, column] = size (matriz_fuerzas_c);
% below logic to find the max length of all digits or strings in matrix
maxLength = 0;
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
maxLength = max (length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2})),maxLength);
% below logic to make all values or string to be of same length, so I am adding spaces.
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
if maxLength == length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2}))
matriz_fuerzas_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2});
diff4 = maxLength - length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2}));
matriz_fuerzas_c_temp {count1,count2} = num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2});
for i=1:diff4
matriz_fuerzas_c_temp {count1,count2} = [' ',matriz_fuerzas_c_temp{count1,count2}];
[row, column] = size (matriz_fuerzas_c_temp);
finalStringtoDisplay = '';
% below logic is to concatenate all values in single row to one string
for count1 = 1:row
for count2 = 1:column
finalStringtoDisplay = [finalStringtoDisplay,' ',matriz_fuerzas_c_temp{count1,count2}];
finalStringtoDisplay = sprintf ('% s \n',finalStringtoDisplay);
h = msgbox (finalStringtoDisplay,'Fuerzas (N) y Mom (N*m)') ; % to diplay the message box.
set(h, 'position', [100 300 250 200]); %makes box bigger
set (h, 'Resize' , 'on' ) ;
Do you think this is also negatively affecting the compilation process? If I don't use the msgbox I don't know how I could show my matrices. Do you have any idea?
Thank you.
Walter Roberson
2019년 7월 24일
para and si and fin are not valid MATLAB code. tamaño is not a valid MATLAB variable name.
"I create all the numbered variables because I need them to display matrices in an organized way in several msgboxes."
Put the data into a cell array and index the cell array.
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
Sorry, it was a mistake with the translator. The comment is already corrected.
I do not have very good as I could show the matrices. Could you give me an example of how I could achieve this? You have to keep in mind that my matrices are of variable size.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Walter Roberson
2019년 7월 24일
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = ['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] ;
would become something like,
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = Fx_cell{Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) } ;
and lines such as
maxLength = max (length (num2str (matriz_fuerzas_c {count1,count2})),maxLength);
would become
maxLength = max (length (matriz_fuerzas_c{count1,count2}), maxLength);
If at some point you need a name of the Data to be displayed, then you can store the name of the data in a way very much like you are calculating right now, ['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) ) ] . The problem is not in building strings that can be understood by users: the problem is that you should not use those strings to access data.
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
Thank you. Tomorrow I will correct all these problems and inform you as it turned out. I hope that with this you can compile properly. I hope I haven't caused many problems. Have a good night.
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 24일
By some numerical method I could solve the polynomial equation. It will only be a matter of programming the method and not using any symbolic matlab function, which is what worries me the least. :) thank you very much for your help
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 25일
Good afternoon. Following Walter's advice, the change of the code line for the line:
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = Fx_cell{ Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) } ;
I get the following error in the execution:
721 matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = Fx_cell{ Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) } ;
Undefined function or variable 'Fx_cell'.
Error in form2>CalcularDin_Callback (line 721)
matriz_fuerzas_c {1, 2} = Fx_cell{ Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) } ;
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in form2 (line 43)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
Do you know why it happens? If I understood you well, you would tell me that it would only be enough to change those lines of code, leave the rest of my code the same and I could already complicate it?
Thank you very much for your help.
Walter Roberson
2019년 7월 26일
Your line
['Fx', num2str( Despl_T2(AA_U,NP+1) )]
implies that you have a series of numbered Fx variables, Fx1, Fx2, and so on. You should store all of those in a cell array
Fx_cell = {Fx1, Fx2, Fx3, ....};
Do not attempt to generate those entries in a loop: if you do not know the number of them ahead of time then you should not be generating the variable names dynamically.
Pedro Guevara
2019년 7월 26일
Hi. Look, I don't think that the dynamic name variable is the cause of the problem, since I just put that same programming in my Guide 1 (the one I did compile) and when compiling it works perfectly, showing the msgbox without any problem. (Attached I send you the new files with the aforementioned modification for you to check, it is from line 693 to 755)
I wanted to see what the problem might be and I was given to put msxbog of the variables that receive the information from Guide 1 "Form1" to Guide 2 "Form2" (with the purpose of showing the variables and knowing if guide 2 was receiving the information), and when compiling does not open the "form2". It will not be possible that the whole problem is occurring by passing variables from form1 to form2?
Would it be too much trouble if I ask you to help me review this part? thank you
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