How to select images from nested folder?
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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I have a folder named AAA. Inside folder AAA there is another folder name A, inside A there is another folder B. folder B consist of 300 images. I want to get every 10th number image from folder B ( It will be 30 images) and place these images in another folder C. I need a Matlab code for this Scenario. Any help?
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채택된 답변
Joel Handy
2019년 7월 16일
편집: Joel Handy
2019년 7월 16일
Something like this should work. You will possibly need to add code to appropriately sort your list of images. I've marked where you would do it.
imageFolder = uigetdir('', 'Select Image Folder');
destinationFolder = uigetdir(imageFolder, 'Select Destination Folder');
contents = dir(imageFolder);
fileList = contents(~[contents.isdir]);
% Sort list as needed here
filesToMove = fileList(1:10:end);
fromPaths = fullfile(imageFolder,{});
toPaths = fullfile(destinationFolder,{});
for fileIdx = 1:numel(fromPaths)
copyfile(fromPaths{fileIdx}, toPaths{fileIdx})
Also I'm note sure the specific relevance of folders AAA and A. If AAA, A, and B are all known folders and you want to create C based on them, you could replace the uigetdir code with something like
imageFolder = fullfile(AAA,A,B);
destinationFolder = fullfile(AAA,A,C);
if ~exist(destinationFolder, 'dir')
댓글 수: 4
Joel Handy
2019년 7월 18일
I'm having a little trouble following this. There is a lot of extra code. For example:
name1 = char(name);
mkdir(jj, name1);
could just be
% Make a folder '1' inside user folder
Another problem I think you're having is that your inputs to mkdir appear to be backwords. The format mkdir is mkdir(parent directory, new folder) so mkdir('C:\MyExistingFolder', 'NewFolder') would create 'C:\MyExistingFolder\NewFolder';
You could also just do mkdir(['C:\MyExistingFolder' filesep 'NewFolder']) or mkdir(fullfile('C:\MyExistingFolder', 'NewFolder').
Why are you using imread and imwrite instead of copyfile to move the image files? Are you actually doing some processing on these images in your real application?
추가 답변 (1개)
Image Analyst
2019년 7월 18일
Have you looked at imageDatastore()? Or dir() using two asterisks as the file pattern?
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