Problem with simulink neural network predictive controller

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
aman hari
aman hari 2019년 7월 12일
댓글: Daniel Pusicha 2021년 11월 5일
whenevr i use a defined example of the predictive controller it works well in simulink but when i try to use my model as plant model to generate data its showing the following error:
"Error using nnident (line 1608)
Too many return arguments are specified. Specify only one.
Error in nncontrolutil (line 19)
feval(command,varargin{:}); - Show complete stack trace
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback."
I thought the problems might be with my modela and replaced it entirely with the given example of "cstr" model but still the same problem
Then i tried to replace one of the predefined model with mine own but still the same problem persists
Can anyone please help me out here?
  댓글 수: 1
bhaskar varma
bhaskar varma 2020년 2월 20일
hi aman,
im also facing the same issue ,
have you resolved it..?
please let me know whats the solution.

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답변 (2개)

Dorin 2019년 11월 20일
For a new Simulink model, Matlab 2019b, in configuration Parameters /Data Import/Export has ticked for default an additional variable “Single simulation output -> out”. A solution is disactivate this option.
All the best
  댓글 수: 6
Dorin 2021년 11월 5일
Hi Daniel,
You need to deactivate the “'single simulation output",” and from the training model, in your case “model.mdl”. This is the model which generate the data for the nn training. Please see the attachment.
Daniel Pusicha
Daniel Pusicha 2021년 11월 5일
Hi Dorin,
That's a good point that I had overseen before, to deactivate the tick in both files.
Thanks a lot

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Daniel Pusicha
Daniel Pusicha 2021년 11월 5일
Hi there again,
Firstly, I want to mention that I got confused as this forum entry is about the NN Predictive Controller however I was looking for the Model Reference Controller. Google led me here when I pasted my error message in so I guess the workaround that I applied may be also helpful here:
  • I first saved the example and also the corresponding plant model which were provided by Matlab as a separated file (I choose the names MRC_for_plant.mdl and plant.mdl)
  • Then I removed the given plant and replaced it by one of my desire in the MRC_for_plant.mdl and in the plant.mdl file
Now it seems to be working for my use case. I'm not quite sure if that is what you @aman hari have tried for the NN Predictive Controller? It seems to me that the example provided by Matlab requires some special settings as @Dorin pointed out which however may or may not be activated, varying from user to user (the settings Dorin suggested didn't work for me).
Btw., I attached my files so let me know if they work for you.


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