Error using parfor on for loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tino 2019년 7월 3일
답변: Edric Ellis 2019년 7월 4일
Hi Please I am getting the followign error running parfor. kindly assist
fnP = @ (a,i) ( sum ( a(i) > a(1:i) + 0.5));
a = mova (:, :);
I am using
parfor j = 1 : mf
m{j} = (fnP(mova, j);
I am getting the error below:
Error using parfor_sliced_fcnhdl_check (line 9)
The sliced variable fnP must not refer to a function handle. To invoke the function handle in the parfor loop, use "feval(fnP, args)". For more information see Parallel Computing Toolbox, "parfor".
Error in kiamean (line 50)
parfor j = 1 : mf

채택된 답변

Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis 2019년 7월 4일
Did you try the suggestion from the error message, i.e.
parfor j = 1:mf
m{j} = feval(fnP, mova, j);
That should work.

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