How to group elements of an array

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Nisha Rajiv
Nisha Rajiv 2012년 8월 28일
I have a array of 1500 rows and 2 columns Now among the 1500 rows there are repetition of values like 5 100s 2 300 etc... now i need to group all these 100s such that i find the minimum value of column for this group. How to do that
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Friedrich 2012년 8월 28일
Are you looking for the sort function? If not, can you post a small example matrix and the output you would like to get?

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Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2012년 8월 28일
try this is code, let A - your array with size 1500 x 2.
k = find(abs(A(:,2) - 100) < eps(100));
[val,idx0] = min(A(k,1));
out = [val,k(idx0)];
  댓글 수: 1
Nisha Rajiv
Nisha Rajiv 2012년 9월 3일
thank u so much. It was useful for me..

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