Area under curve with negative X and Y values

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Naomi Amuzie
Naomi Amuzie 2019년 6월 18일
댓글: Naomi Amuzie 2019년 6월 18일
I want to use the area() function, but I have negative x and y values on the axes
  댓글 수: 10
Naomi Amuzie
Naomi Amuzie 2019년 6월 18일
I get what you said, strangely. i don't have a variable named area though...
"area is a variable.
/Applications/ % Shadowed alphaShape method
/Applications/ % Shadowed polyshape method
/Applications/ % Shadowed half method
/Applications/ % Shadowed"
Naomi Amuzie
Naomi Amuzie 2019년 6월 18일
Oh! There wasn't a variable in my code, but there was a variable in my workspace I created a long time ago, but never deleted.
Thank you! Sorry about the hassle!

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