What exactly is method in "Receive data from a method in an Android app." ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hello all !
I have been trying to understand how to let my android application made in Simulink communicate with a device connected to my android phone via an USB-OTG.
I notice there are two blocks called "FromAppMethod" and "ToAppMethod"
These 2 links are the links describing their functions.
However, i am unable to understand what is meant by
  • a method in an android app?
  • the method must exist in the default activity ?
Does this mean that this is trying to read and send data to another application running at the same time ?
From what i understand is that, the applications created by Simulink cannot be run simultaeneously on an Android device. Simply minimising the application will require you to restart the application.
Best regards all.
Thank you !

채택된 답변

Sruthi Yenugula
Sruthi Yenugula 2019년 6월 18일
Check this examples
Using FromApp block, you can add a method in the Generated Application(through Simulink) by importing it to Android Studio, in that method you can add your custom android code and build it in Android Studio. Acts as Custom input block.
Using ToApp block, you can add a method in the Generated Application(through Simulink) by importing it to Android Studio, in that method you can add your custom android code and build it in Android Studio. Acts as Custom output block.
  댓글 수: 3
Sruthi Yenugula
Sruthi Yenugula 2019년 6월 19일
Does this mean that the ToApp block produces a Nx1 array of values ?
For ToApp block we are giving Nx1 array as input.

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