Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. Error in pid_optimized1 (line 17) solution(K,:) = [K a m ts];
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Hi all
I am trying to run this code but I am getting an error 'Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in pid_optimized1 (line 17)
solution(K,:) = [K a m ts];'
Can someone help me to run this code.
The code is given by
clear all
%Required to optimize a plant with a transfer function 4/s^3+6s^2+8s+4 with
%a PID controller whose transfer function is given by K(s+a)^2/s.
t = 0:0.01:8;
K = 0;
for K =3:0.2:5
for a =0.1:0.1:3
num =[4*K 8*K*a 4*K*a^2];
den = [1 6 8+4*K 4+8*K*a 4*K*a^2];
y = step(num,den,t);
s = 801;while y(s)>0.98&&y(s)<1.02;s = s-1;end
ts = (s-1)*0.01;%ts = settling time;
m = max(y);
if m<1.15 && m>1.10; if ts<3.00
K = K+1;
solution(K,:) = [K a m ts]; %this sorts the solution of K a m ts in a column array
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
Alex Mcaulley
2019년 6월 10일
You are using K as a logical indexer, but K take non positive integers values, throwing, then, an error. I gues that the solution is:
t = 0:0.01:8;
k = 0;
for K =3:0.2:5
for a = 0.1:0.1:3
num = [4*K 8*K*a 4*K*a^2];
den = [1 6 8+4*K 4+8*K*a 4*K*a^2];
y = step(num,den,t);
s = 801;while y(s)>0.98&&y(s)<1.02;s = s-1;end
ts = (s-1)*0.01;%ts = settling time;
m = max(y);
if m < 1.15 && m > 1.10
if ts<3.00
k = k + 1;
solution(k,:) = [K a m ts]; %this sorts the solution of K a m ts in a column array
댓글 수: 3
Bob Thompson
2019년 6월 10일
Did you make the adjustment he suggested? I copied your code in, changed it to be like Alex has posted and it ran fine for me.
추가 답변 (2개)
Bob Thompson
2019년 6월 10일
편집: Bob Thompson
2019년 6월 10일
You are recieving the error because you are trying to use K as an index value, but K is not always a positive integer.
for K =3:0.2:5
solution(K,:) = [K a m ts];
Values of K include 3, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, ...
Matlab cannot define an element as being in position 3.2, or any other value which isn't a positive integer.
As a side note, you should really not change the value of yoru loop index within the loop itself. It is generally considered bad practice, and is very prone to errors.
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