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sorting and summing through data
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
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hello please
I have the following data
for example T =
Drag Class
1 positive
3 positive
5 negative
7 positive
8 negative
6 positive
9 negative
2 positive
5 negative
9 negative
I want to write a code which will enable me to do the following computation
sort the data randomly
then when K = 1
k = 1 ( lowest positive / lowest negative) down the column
K = 2 ( lowest (positive ) + next lowest (positive) )/ (lowest ( negative) + next lowest ( negative) ) down the column till the end
K = 3 ( lowest ( positive) + next lowest ( positive) + next lowest ( positive) ) / ( lowest ( negative) + next lowest ( negative ) + next lowest ( negative)) down the column
This is done using if and conditional statement
Stop if no lowest number cannot be added to the sum anymore
Thanks in advance
댓글 수: 2
답변 (1개)
Raghunandan V
2019년 6월 4일
편집: Raghunandan V
2019년 6월 4일
I managed to solve the question. Please review and update
% positive is of class 1 and negetive is class 0 (just for ease of code)
A = [1 1; 3 1; 5 0; 7 1; 8 0; 6 1; 9 0; 2 1; 5 0; 9 0];
A_positive = A(A(:, 2) == 1);
A_negetive = A(A(:,2) == 0);
A_positive = sort(A_positive);
A_negetive = sort(A_negetive);
%get the length of positive and negetive numbers and len is taken as least of the both lengths
len = min(numel(A_positive), numel(A_negetive));
result = zeros(len,1);
for k = 1: len
result(k) = sum(A_positive(1:k))/sum(A_negetive(1:k));
if you want for only particular value of k. then remove the for loop and give specific value of k.
Raghunandan V
댓글 수: 2
Raghunandan V
2019년 6월 4일
What is the format of the data?
1. Is it excel?
If yes, you can use find and replace the data in excel itself.
2. was it created by matlab?
if yes, then check the code and replace the string 'positive' and 'negetive' by 0 and 1
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