Is it possible to convert the whole Simulink model into a state space one?

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Dingyu Xue
Dingyu Xue 2019년 5월 20일
답변: Jesús Zambrano 2020년 2월 7일
Dear friends
In fact I am thinking of simulate a system, whose terminal information at t_k is known, and the information at t_0 is unknown. If I try to run Simulink model, it is prompted that since t_0 is smaller than the "initial time" t_k, simulation failed. So
(1) Is there a way to set the Simulink environment such that it can be simulated?
(2) If not, can I extract the state space model from the whole Simulink model such that ode45 or other solvers can be used to solve the problem?

답변 (1개)

Jesús Zambrano
Jesús Zambrano 2020년 2월 7일
Hi Dingyu,
You first have to create the input vector(s) to your model and collect the simulation results or output vector(s).
With this done, you can follow a standard procedure for state space identification, for example following the steps in this link
Hope it can help with your question.


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