Highlighting individual Cells in UITable

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Tk 2019년 4월 29일
댓글: John Smith 2020년 4월 16일
I want to hightlight specific cells (not a complete row/column) in a UITable with App Designer.
To my understanding, HTML does not work in UItables created with App Designer.
Do you have any other ideas and approaches? Or any advice how to get HTML Code in the table working?
Thank you
  댓글 수: 1
John Smith
John Smith 2020년 4월 16일
S = uistyle('BackgroundColor', 'yellow');
addStyle(app.UITable, S, 'cell', [13 6]);

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채택된 답변

Jan 2019년 4월 29일
I did not see a solution in the net yet. You can set the colors of the java tables in figures by HTML or java code, but not on uifigures.
  댓글 수: 1
Tk 2019년 4월 29일
Thanks for the confirmation!

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