How to include a variable in "fopen" file name in a For loop?

조회 수: 20 (최근 30일)
Ahmad Fakih
Ahmad Fakih 2019년 4월 17일
댓글: Ahmad Fakih 2019년 4월 17일
Dear members,
This code edits a certain number in an input text and generates a new output file containing the new edited number. I want to generate many output files but the problem is that each time a new output file is generate it replaces the previous one since they will have the same name. I want to include a variable in the name that changes each time the code loops.
So I need to edit this line: f2d = fopen('output_matlab_i.txt','wt') where i will be variable from 1 to s and thus we will get: output_matlab_1, output_matlab_2, output_matlab_3...
Any help?
Thank you!
indices = find(abs(phi_rnd)<28);
phi_rnd(indices) = [];
for i=1:s
vec = [phi_rnd(1,i),phi_rnd(1,i)];
cnt = 0;
rgx = '^(\s*\S+\s+)(\S+)(.+gamma.+)$';
f1d = fopen( 'input_matlab.txt','rt');
f2d = fopen('output_matlab.txt','wt');%>>>>>This is the line to be edited
while ~feof(f1d)
str = fgetl(f1d);
tkn = regexp(str,rgx,'once','tokens');
if ~isempty(tkn)
cnt = cnt+1;
str = sprintf('%s%#.14E%s',tkn{1},vec(cnt),tkn{3});

채택된 답변

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2019년 4월 17일
for k=1:5
  댓글 수: 3
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019년 4월 17일
FileName = sprintf('output_matlab_%d.txt', i);
f2d = fopen(FileName, 'wt');
Ahmad Fakih
Ahmad Fakih 2019년 4월 17일
Thank you Walter and Fangjun!

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