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Histogram equalisation errors, help with my code

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Abdul Rahim Mohammad
Abdul Rahim Mohammad 2019년 4월 12일
마감: DGM 2024년 8월 26일
Iam working on implenting a histogram equalisation of an image without using inbuilt functions specifcally imhist and histeq, I have, for the most part understood what do during a histogram equalisation i.e. find the histogram, normalize the histogram values, find the cummulative probabillity and then map the old image values to the new ones.
Can someone look at this code and help me fix what is wrong? Iam allowed to use cumsum and Hist or Histcounts. I have a test function that checks my code for different values that I've added for reference. Thank you. This is my code:
%input image data is assumed to be in range 0..1
I = imread(img);
image =I;
[m,n] = size(image);
L = 256;
H = histcounts(image(:),(0:256));
H = H.';
[counts] = H;
x = 0:255;
myCDF = cumsum(counts)/(m*n);
equalizedI = (L-1)*myCDF(double(image)+1);
equalizedI = uint8(equalizedI);
histMyOut = histcounts(equalizedI,256);
eq_img = histMyOut
My error:
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in histeq_contrast (line 22)
equalizedI = (L-1)*myCDF(double(image)+1);
Error in histeq_test (line 16)
I1eq = histeq_contrast(I1);
For reference, my test function is:
I1 = imread('vintage_postcard.tif');
%I1 = imread('pout.tif');
%I1 = imread('office_5.jpg'); I1=I1(:,:,2);
%I1 = imread('office_1.jpg'); I1=I1(:,:,2);
%I1 = imread('low_light.tif');
% damage contrast
I1eq = histeq_contrast(I1);
imagesc(I1); caxis([0 1]); title('Test Image 1'); axis equal tight
imagesc(I1eq); caxis([0 1]); title('Histeq Result'); axis equal tight
fprintf(1,'Min/max of input image 1: %3.3f %3.3f\n', min(I1(:)),max(I1(:)) );
fprintf(1,'Min/max of output image 1: %3.3f %3.3f\n', min(I1eq(:)),max(I1eq(:)) );
% damage contrast
I2 = I1*0.25 + 0.25;
I2eq = histeq_contrast(I2);
imagesc(I2); caxis([0 1]); title('Test Image 2'); axis equal tight
imagesc(I2eq); caxis([0 1]); title('Histeq Result'); axis equal tight
fprintf(1,'Min/max of input image 2: %3.3f %3.3f\n', min(I2(:)),max(I2(:)) );
fprintf(1,'Min/max of output image 2: %3.3f %3.3f\n', min(I2eq(:)),max(I2eq(:)) );

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