Game of Life GUI Question

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Jacob Huhtala
Jacob Huhtala 2019년 4월 3일
댓글: Jacob Huhtala 2019년 4월 3일
I have been making a GUI to be an assistance program for The Game of LIFE by milton bradley. While doing this I have had some issues using pop up boxes to let the player select if they want to go to college at the start of the game. Here is the code I use to retreive the data out of the popup and bring it into the code so I can determine amount of career options for the player. Then after that is my push button to randomly pick your career. Everytime I try to excute this I get the error "Undefined function or variable 'collegechoice'.
Error in sblife>pfc1_Callback (line 337)
if collegechoice == 1
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in sblife (line 42)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)sblife('pfc1_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback."
function pbcollege1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if (strcmp(z,'Select Choice'))
elseif (strcmp(z,'No, Skip College'))
elseif (strcmp(z,'Yes, Go To College'))
function pbcollege1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
%push button for career
function pfc1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if collegechoice == 1
careers = randi(9);%used for if they selected yes from popup box
set(handles.careerbox1,'Doctor');%just a place holder for when I actually get it working

채택된 답변

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2019년 4월 3일
Would it be easier for you to use a questdlg dialog?
  댓글 수: 4
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2019년 4월 3일
Rather than putting code and controls in your GUI to ask the question, call questdlg to open a small dialog box and just use its output argument.
Jacob Huhtala
Jacob Huhtala 2019년 4월 3일
I got it thank you!

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