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to write to a excel file

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Sajid Afaque
Sajid Afaque 2019년 3월 26일
답변: Raghunandan V 2019년 3월 27일
hi ,
i have enclosed my code below. i am able to read and write to excel file, but the problem is i am able to write only when the excel file is closed.i am not able to read or write when the excel file is open.kindly help
d = {getenv('username') , date , datestr(now, 'HH:MM PM')};
[~, user_id] = xlsread('C:\Users\AFQ1KOR\Desktop\newfolder\kkr.xlsx','A:A');
access = ismember(getenv('username') , user_id );
if access == 1
[~, record] = xlsread('C:\Users\AFQ1KOR\Desktop\newfolder\Book11.xlsx','A:A');
q = size(record, 1);
r = q + 1;
xlswrite('C:\Users\AFQ1KOR\Desktop\newfolder\Book11.xlsx', d,sprintf('A%d:C%d', r, r));
errordlg(' please contact sajid for more details','Access denied','modal')

답변 (1개)

Raghunandan V
Raghunandan V 2019년 3월 27일
There cannot be two users editing a file together. In this case you are one user if the excel is open and Matlab is the other user


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