trouble plotting multiple curves on a graph

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Josh 2019년 3월 17일
댓글: Josh 2019년 3월 17일
I am having trouble plotting 2 figures, each has two lines on it. One of the lines in each, y_ext and d_ext use only two points, n=2 and n=100 taken from 1xmatrices. For figure 1 I am seeing curves that are definately inccorrect. I am not sure if I am using linspace correctly perhaps? If someone could take a look at my code that would be much appreciated.
y = linspace(0,L,n+1)
y_ext = -ro*g*y;
hold on;
plot(y, y_ext);
plot(y([2 n]), S_FEM([2 n]));
d_ext = -ro*g/(2*E)*(y.^2-L^2);
hold on;
plot(y, d_ext);
plot(y([2 n]), dnew([2 n]));
  댓글 수: 2
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019년 3월 17일
please provide the missing datas
Josh 2019년 3월 17일
Sorry, to be clear S_FEM & dnew are 1x100 matrices, the rest of the variables are constants.

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답변 (1개)

Sajeer Modavan
Sajeer Modavan 2019년 3월 17일
There are lot off missing parameters, 'L', 'n', 'ro', 'g', 'E', 'S_FEM' and 'dnew'.
for ploting two points you don't need linespace
eg: n = [2, 100];
y = 2*n+10;
so clearly state your question
  댓글 수: 1
Josh 2019년 3월 17일
편집: Josh 2019년 3월 17일
Sorry, to be clear S_FEM & dnew are 1x100 matrices, the rest of the variables are constants.

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