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Search for points in a cell having matrices as elements.If the point matched with any cell store that element matrix and plot that Matrix data points,first three columns. i am attaching the in put file .And a code that i tried ,but it plots all .

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
EXTRACT ALL THE POINTS THAT share the same plane of Picked_P
%for each Picked_P
%look inside each P_giacitura{i,1} if you find the Picked_P
%If yes save all the P of P_giacitura{i,1} in a specific matrix (Associated_P) and
%extract for giaciture_def the first 3 colum values that correspond
%to i
%plot the matrix P together with all the points of Associated_P
%and a surface generated by means of the first 3 colum values of
please help me i am not able to figure out what is the mistake .this is the first time i am using loop.Thanks in advance
for i = 1:22
A= P_giacitura{i,1};
for j = 1:m
B=ismember(Picked_P(j,[1 2 3]),A(:,[1 2 3]),'rows');
if B==1
Adapted_P = P_giacitura{i,1}(:,[1 2 3]);
Q = giaciture_def(i,[1 2 3]);

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