Load Model Advisor Configuration through Command Line

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Mohan Mishra
Mohan Mishra 2019년 3월 7일
답변: Amith 2024년 8월 22일
I want to load model advisor Configuration through command line.
I am using code as below to load the configuration but it is not getting loaded
Can some one help me on this

답변 (1개)

Amith 2024년 8월 22일
Hi Mohan,
To set your Model Advisor configuration via the command line in MATLAB releases R2022a and later, you can use the following command:
To retrieve the Model Advisor configuration, use this command:
ConfigFileName = ModelAdvisor.getModelConfiguration(ModelName)
For more information about these functions, you can visit the links below:
Documentation for configuring the model configuration: https://www.mathworks.com/help/slcheck/ref/modeladvisor.setmodelconfiguration.html
I hope these resources help!


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