Unexpected MATLAB expression.

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Rebecca Hadley
Rebecca Hadley 2019년 2월 1일
답변: Rebecca Hadley 2019년 2월 5일
Hi, I'm a MATLAB newbie and am really struggling with some code that has been given to me by a software company for importing BIN files containing acceleration data.
Can anyone help me with what the error means?
function [header, time, xyz, light, button, prop_val] = read_bin('CGGM.bin', varargin)
There is more to the code than the above, but the error seems to point to an issue with this line. Thanks in advance!

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OCDER 2019년 2월 1일
편집: OCDER 2019년 2월 1일
function [header, time, xyz, light, button, prop_val] = read_bin('CGGM.bin', varargin)
You can't have a string as an input "parameter" name.
function [header, time, xyz, light, button, prop_val] = read_bin(Input1, varargin)
To input "CGGM.bin" as an input to your function, do this
>> [header, time, xyz, light, button, prop_val] = read_bin('CGGM.bin', ...)
  댓글 수: 2
Rebecca Hadley
Rebecca Hadley 2019년 2월 2일
Hi DL,
Thanks for the help, I still get an error message though. I entered the second example of code you gave and got the following:
>> read_bins
Attempt to execute SCRIPT read_bins as a function:
/Users/becki/Documents/Converting BIN files/CGMR/read_bins.m
Error in read_bins (line 1)
[header, time, xyz, light, button, prop_val] = read_bins('CGMR.bin')
Is it easier for me to show some more of the code? I'm probably being really dense, but as I say, quite new to this.
Thanks again.
OCDER 2019년 2월 2일
You have a recursive summon, as in your script (read_bins) is trying to summon itself (read_bins). Make sure a script name is different from a function name. Look up the difference between script vs function for Matlab on the search engine
Example of a script called addScript.m
In1 = 2;
In2 = 3;
A = In1 + In2; %Note, there is no use of the word "function" in the code.
Example of a function called addFunc.m
function Out = addFunc(In1, In2)
A = In1 + In2; %Note, this is a "function" that accepts inputs "In1" and "In2".
To use a function, do this:
>> A = addFunc(2, 3)
To use a script, do as you did:
>> addScript
Overall, I'd stay away from using scripts, as it's used often as a temporary code for setting up equations, parameters, etc., before wrapping the code into a function.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Rebecca Hadley
Rebecca Hadley 2019년 2월 5일
Hi DL,
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I will do as you suggested and have a look at the difference between script vs function. My challenge for today is to try and resolve this (fingers crossed).


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