How to make an editable uitable with one categorical column ?

조회 수: 21 (최근 30일)
Hugo COSTE DOMBRE 2019년 1월 31일
댓글: Luna 2019년 2월 1일
I am trying to create an app with an uitable which uses a dropdown as a first row and then several numeric cells that I would like to be editable by the user. Following the exemples of the matlab website i first create a table with the right configuration and then create a uitable and set the data of the uitable equal to the first table :
Color = {'red'; 'red'; 'green'};
width = {10; 20; 30};
height = {100; 200; 300};
tableData = table(Color, width, height);
tableData.Color = categorical({'red'; 'red'; 'green'}, {'red'; 'white'; 'yellow'; 'green'});
uif = uifigure();
uit = uitable('Parent', uif);
uit.Data = tableData;
uit.ColumnEditable = true(1,3);
I then receive this warning :
Warning: ColumnEditable value can be true only for char, string, double, logical, datetime and categorical columns.
I have tried to specify the ColumnFormat :
Color = {'red'; 'red'; 'green'};
width = {10; 20; 30};
height = {100; 200; 300};
tableData = table(Color, width, height);
tableData.Color = categorical({'red'; 'red'; 'green'}, {'red'; 'white'; 'yellow'; 'green'});
uif = uifigure();
uit = uitable('Parent', uif);
uit.ColumnFormat = {'char', 'numeric', 'numeric'};
uit.Data = tableData;
uit.ColumnEditable = true(1,3);
And i get the following warning :
Warning: ColumnEditable value can be true only for char, string, double, logical, datetime and categorical columns.
Warning: 'ColumnFormat' value has no effect when 'Data' value is a table array.
And the uitable can not be edited except for the first column in both case. What am I doing wrong ?

채택된 답변

Luna 2019년 1월 31일
편집: Luna 2019년 1월 31일
The reason is the uitable's 2nd and 3rd columns are cell array.
You should create them as double arrays like below with brackets not with curly braces:
width = [10; 20; 30];
height = [100; 200; 300];
  댓글 수: 2
Hugo COSTE DOMBRE 2019년 2월 1일
Thanks a lot !
I still have a warning but the code works now.
Luna 2019년 2월 1일
Comment out this line it is useless now, since your data is already a table type. So you won't get the warning message anymore.
% uit.ColumnFormat = {'char', 'numeric', 'numeric'};
Please accept answer if it works correctly :)

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