Simulating a changing load in an electrical power system

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
nur hadi
nur hadi 2011년 3월 31일
답변: Aradhana Ray 2020년 11월 20일
I have to simulate a transmission line in an electrical power system. How do I simulate a load if this load is raised every minute?
  댓글 수: 4
Jan 2011년 4월 4일
@nur hadi: I answer questions here in this forum. Sending emails will not increase my motivation to reply.
I have no experiences with Simulink. The lack of answers is a strong indication for an incomplete question. Without the necessary details, a meaningful reply is impossible.
nur hadi
nur hadi 2011년 4월 6일
I'am using SimPowerSystems in simulink matlab 2010a. I try simulate a constant power load at a bus growing per minutes. Power rate with 0.932 inductive power factor..

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채택된 답변

Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011년 4월 5일
It sounds like you are using SimPowerSystems. If your load is a resistive load, you may want to try the approach described here to model a variable resistor. You can then use standard Simulink blocks to construct the signal of resistor value as a function of time. If it's not a resistive load, then you need to provide more details.

추가 답변 (5개)

nur hadi
nur hadi 2011년 4월 6일
yes mr arnaud, I'am using SimPowerSystems in simulink matlab 2010a. I try simulate a constant power load at a bus growing per minutes. Power rate with 0.932 inductive power factor.. can you help me to simulate this..
  댓글 수: 4
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011년 4월 6일
Have you had a look at the demos provided in SimPowerSystems? There are quite a few of them and one of them may be a good starting point for your application.
Help browser -> SimPowerSystems -> Demos
nur hadi
nur hadi 2011년 4월 6일
I have did it, but I had't find it.. So I try asking someone here to get other answer..

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Yuling 2011년 4월 17일
Hi Nur/Arnaud,
I have tried downloading both 2010a/b and 2009a/b version of matlab and none of them seems to have simpowersystems. I got this folder from my professor and saved it under the matlab folder and still doesn't help. Can you give me some advice?
Thank you in advance
Best, Yuling
  댓글 수: 1
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011년 4월 17일
Where did you download MATLAB from? SimPowerSystems is an add-on to Simulink, which is itself an add-on to MATLAB. So you need to purchase Simulink and SimPowerSystems as well as MATLAB.

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dhrgham 2013년 12월 21일
plz does anyone have matlab simulink of ieee 6 bus test power system model

Ismael Abdulrahman
Ismael Abdulrahman 2019년 12월 31일

Aradhana Ray
Aradhana Ray 2020년 11월 20일
Transmission lines are groups of wires, called conductors, that carry electric power from making plant life to the substations that deliver power to customers. At a generating plant, electric power is “stepped up” to numerous thousand volts by a transformer and brought to the transmission line.


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