plotting a set of irregular data points

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Yair 2019년 1월 17일
댓글: Luna 2021년 1월 11일
I have a set of data points with columns as follows:
x(cart) | y(cart) | z(cart) | theta (sph) | phi (sph) | Intensity (dB)
cart = cartesian coordinates; sph=spherical coordinates
I want to plot these data points on a 3D plot where x-axis is theta, y-axis is phi, and color is the intensity.
If for example theta has values 0:5:180 degrees and for every theta value there are these phi values 0:10:360 degrees then I can arrange a matrix and use imagesc.
The problem with my set of data points is that the theta and phi values are irregular meaning they are scattered on a sphere. Some data points can have the same theta but different phi, some have same phi but different theta and other points may have unique theta and phi. Like I said, these are points are scattered on a sphere.
Is there any way I can plot these data points so that intensity will be represented by color?
Thank you.

답변 (2개)

Luna 2019년 1월 17일
편집: Luna 2019년 1월 17일
You can use scatter3 function to create a 3D scatter plot.
Check the link: scatter3
For coloring the intensity search for colormap and colorbar.
You can use predefined (Matlab's built-in) colormaps' each row according to your intensity data while looping in scatter. Something like this:
% data
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:100);
z = cos(x).^2 + sin(y).^2;
intensityVector = randi(20,numel(x),1);
c = jet(numel(x)); % create your own colormap here with Mx3 matrix
%xdata,ydata,zdata scatter plot, marker size 10, color is c Matrix
% define colomap and colorbar according the your colormap

Saeed Ghanbarifar
Saeed Ghanbarifar 2021년 1월 5일
how can i plot this map in matlab or python ?/
x=lat : utm system
y= long
z= magnetic data
  댓글 수: 1
Luna 2021년 1월 11일
Please use the "ask a question" section on that topic and explain properly what you have and what you need.

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