Suggest me a MATLAB code to extract particular entry from one excel file and save that entry in another excel file.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Refering to attched excel file (in .xlsx format). I have daily gridded (31 latitude 31 longitude) rainfall data of 50 years. I want to extract the evey day rainfall value of every combination of latitude and longitude and save that entry in new excel file with name of that latitude and longitude.

답변 (1개)

Vishal Bhutani
Vishal Bhutani 2019년 1월 7일
By my understanding it seems that similar issues has been asked earlier, please refer to the link attached below:
Hope it helps.
  댓글 수: 1
ANURAG SHARMA 2019년 1월 10일
Thanks for the early response. But my issue is quite different from the one you have mentioned. I want to pick up rainfall value for all possible lat-long combinations which are repeating for every day. Please refer to the file I have attached.

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