plot3 Not Animating with the Loop (Drawnow is already added)

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Laurel Castillo
Laurel Castillo 2018년 12월 12일
댓글: Laurel Castillo 2018년 12월 20일
The 3D line is drawn with the mtm_x matrix set (3*2*100). In each loop, a set of 3*2 matrix is used to update the values of the line.
I checked that the values of Tip0 and TipX are updating. But the line stays in the initial position. (I've varied the loop no., but the line just stays there......)
Any suggestion?
mtm_x = mtm_x(:,:,1:100); % mtm_x is imported and become a 3*2*100 double
nt = length(mtm_x); % nt = 100
grid on;
for i = 1:nt
tip_x = mtm_x(:,:,i); % the 3D line is updated with i-th value set. e.g. for i=1, the first 3*2 matrix is used
TipO = tip_x(1:3,2);
TipX = tip_x(1:3,1).*s;
plot3([TipO(1) TipX(1)+TipO(1)], [TipO(2) TipX(2)+TipO(2)], [TipO(3) TipX(3)+TipO(3)], 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 3);
hold on
axis([-0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5]);
  댓글 수: 3
Jan 2018년 12월 12일
@Aqutris: :-) It will be hard to see a delay of a millisecond, when the monitor is updated with 60Hz. A longer pause would be useful.
Laurel Castillo
Laurel Castillo 2018년 12월 20일
Yeah, you're right! It's too fast to see! Thanks!

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채택된 답변

Jan 2018년 12월 12일
편집: Jan 2018년 12월 12일
mtm_x = rand(3,2,100); % mtm_x is imported and become a 3*2*100 double
nt = size(mtm_x, 3); % do not rely on LENGTH
s = 0.25;
Lim = [0, 1];
axesH = axes('XLim', Lim, 'YLim', Lim, 'ZLim', Lim, ...
'NextPlot', 'add');
grid on;
for i = 1:nt
tip_x = mtm_x(:,:,i);
TipO = tip_x(1:3,2);
TipX = tip_x(1:3,1) .* s;
plot3(axesH, ...
[TipO(1) TipX(1)+TipO(1)], ...
[TipO(2) TipX(2)+TipO(2)], ...
[TipO(3) TipX(3)+TipO(3)], ...
'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 3);
This is a cleaned version without the cla . I can see a bunch of lines. So what exactly is the problem?
Where do you try to display this? I do not see the intermediate images in Matlab online.

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