Using Matlab for solving 3d PDE and creating geometry

조회 수: 18 (최근 30일)
amit amit
amit amit 2018년 12월 10일
편집: Ravi Kumar 2024년 5월 1일
Hi I need to solve a 3D diffusion equation on a geometry of a sphere inside a cube.
However - I saw that in PDE toolbox I can only create a sphere inside a sphere or a cube inside a cube. Therefore I would like to ask:
  1. How can I create this kind of geometry?
  2. How would I then manage the boundary conditions?
  3. What is the right syntax for coefficient speficiation in 3D (speficially here the sphere is a source and the cube has no source)?
  댓글 수: 1
sevgi 2024년 3월 7일
hello, I have a similar problem. did you find a solution

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답변 (1개)

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar 2024년 4월 30일
편집: Ravi Kumar 2024년 5월 1일
Here is an example.
gmCube = fegeometry(multicuboid(1,1,1));
gmCube = gmCube.translate([0,0,-0.5]); % Translate so that the cube is centered at the origin.
gmSphere = fegeometry(multisphere(0.25));
gmSphereInCube = addCell(gmCube,gmSphere);
If you are using MATLAB R2022b or older, then skip the fegeometry() calls.


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