Help with symbolic transfer function?

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Robert  Flores
Robert Flores 2018년 11월 6일
답변: Walter Roberson 2018년 11월 6일
I am trying to have an output that gives me a transfer function, given certain variables. Matlab is telling me the following: Error using tf (line 296) The values of the "Numerator" and "Denominator" properties must be row vectors or cell arrays of row vectors, where each vector is nonempty and containing numeric data. Type "help tf.num" or "help tf.den" for more information.
Is there anyway around assigning data to the variables, and still use the transfer function? Below is a copy of my code.
syms K1 K2 K3 I s
theta = (K1*K2)/I;
num = {theta};
den = {1 theta*K3 theta};
Gs = tf(num,den);

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 11월 6일
"Is there anyway around assigning data to the variables, and still use the transfer function?"
NO. tf() will never support symbolic parameters.

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