Random matrix - Code efficiency

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Guillaume A.
Guillaume A. 2011년 3월 29일
Hi, I've got a code to fill a matrix with random numbers. However, I haven't found a way to use efficient code and I must use for loop. Here is the code I would like to optimize :
for i=1:NbDay
for j=1:NbTraj
As NbTraj and/or NbDay can achieve quickly high value, the code become very slow... I did not found a way to vectorize it. Thanks for suggestions !

채택된 답변

the cyclist
the cyclist 2011년 3월 29일
Looks to me that each element of PoissonSauts is the sum of K normally distributed variables, where K is itself drawn from a Poisson. I believe you can take advantage of the fact that the sum of K i.i.d. variables that are N(0,1) distributions is equal to sqrt(K) times an N(0,1):
PoissonSauts = randn(NbTraj,NbDay).*sqrt(PoissonZ);
  댓글 수: 1
Guillaume A.
Guillaume A. 2011년 3월 29일
hmmm very interesting approach ! I'll try it asap, thanks !

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추가 답변 (1개)

Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2011년 3월 29일
I would bet that your code is slow primarily because you did not pre-allocate the PoissonSauts array before the loops. Thus every time through the loop you are causing MATLAB to re-allocate memory for the array, which, as you discovered, is slow.
PoisonSauts = zeros(NBTraj,NbDay); % Pre-allocate the array!
for i=1:NbDay
for j=1:NbTraj
Try that and see if your code speeds up dramatically.
  댓글 수: 1
Guillaume A.
Guillaume A. 2011년 3월 29일
In fact it is preallocated... just wanted to not surcharge the code presented

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