simulink and gui communication in real time

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
mohamed  al-asklany
mohamed al-asklany 2012년 7월 2일
i have simulink model and i have gui model
simulink acquire data from sound card then make some processing then pass it to gui model which display it how can i pass these data to gui while simulink is running (time -> inf)
not:data are output of "maximum function"block which contain "index , value" thanks
  댓글 수: 1
TAB 2012년 7월 2일
You have asked a similar question in your previous post also. Please delete this thread and continue the discussion in previous one.

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답변 (1개)

TAB 2012년 7월 2일
편집: TAB 2012년 7월 2일
Assuming your gui model is nothing but a matlab GUI.
To access the simulink's simulation data at run time (when the simulation is running), you can use event listener.
See a simple demo to start.
>> sldemo_msfcn_lms
in your command window to see another demo.


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