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Create a GUI to serve as simple ANN to classify the 3 inputs to good or bad

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
I have train the neural network with nprtool. I have the identified the best neural network configuration. The GUI will allow the user to enter 3 inputs in numbers, and to classify the inputs into GOOD or BAD. Question & Help Needed: I have no concern to create the GUI layout but need help to create the coding (either callback or createFcn)
  댓글 수: 7
Andrew Ang
Andrew Ang 2018년 10월 11일
Ultimately to learn MATLAB and need a guru/s to guide me too.
Kevin Chng
Kevin Chng 2018년 10월 11일
Apologise that we can't do that in community, however, you may learn the started from here

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채택된 답변

Kevin Chng
Kevin Chng 2018년 10월 10일
in your matlab command window,type
Design your GUI. Subsequently, click
button> button.properties (left hand side)> callback> create call back
In the call back function, get the text from box. Remember convert them to correct format for your code after that.
a= app.EditFieldLabel.Text;
b= app.EditFieldLabel.Text;
c= app.EditFieldLabel.Text;
then run your code, display your result in the label component
app.Label.Text = 'good';
How to change colour of Lamp?
if a>=0 || b>=0 || c>=0
app.Lamp.Color = [1 0 0];
[1 0 0] is red colour and [0 1 0] is green colour. Refer to here for colour specification in MATLAB

추가 답변 (1개)

Andrew Ang
Andrew Ang 2018년 10월 10일
Please, can someone guide me on the code?
methods (Access = private)
% Button pushed function: CheckHealthinessButton
function Compute(app, event)
if valueSMT>=10 || valueMS>=10 || valueFCT>=10
app.Lamp.Color = [1 0 0]
else app.Lamp.Color = [0 1 0]
% Value changed function: SMTFailRate
function SMTFailRateValueChanged(app, event)
valueSMT = app.SMTFailRateValueChanged.Value;
% Value changed function: MSFailRate
function MSFailRateValueChanged(app, event)
valueMS = app.MSFailRateValueChanged.Value;
% Value changed function: FCTFailRate
function FCTFailRateValueChanged(app, event)
valueFCT = app.FCTFailRateValueChanged.Value;

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