taylor series method expansion

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
PJS KUMAR 2018년 9월 22일
댓글: Torsten 2018년 9월 27일
I wrote the following code
function yb=taylor(f,a,b,ya,n)
syms x y;
for i=2:3
I got the output as follows
>> f=@(x)x^2+y^2;
>> taylor(f,0,0.8,1.5,4)
ht =
1.0000 0.2000 0.0200 0.0013 0.0001 0.0000
y =
[ 3/2, x^2 + y(x)^2, 2*x + 2*y(x)*diff(y(x), x), 2*diff(y(x), x)^2 + 2*y(x)*diff(y(x), x, x) + 2]
Suggest me how to perform the following actions
1) I want to evaluate y at different values of x
2) Multiply ht and y elements and sum
  댓글 수: 4
PJS KUMAR 2018년 9월 25일
편집: PJS KUMAR 2018년 9월 25일
I wrote the following code for Taylor series expansion
function yb=taylor(f,a,b,ya,n)
syms x y;
for i=2:3
I run code and got the following output
>> syms x y(x);
>> f=@(x)x^2+y^2;
>> taylor(f,1,3,0.8,4)
s =
x/4 + (y(x)*diff(y(x), x))/4 + diff(y(x), x)^2/24 + y(x)^2/2 + (y(x)*diff(y(x), x, x))/24 + x^2/2 + 101/120
Now i want to evaluate the output 's' at different values of x and y, where x is from a to b and y(a)=0.8
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 9월 25일
y' = x^2+y^2, for the values of x = 1 (0.5) 3 with y(1)=0.8
I am having difficulty understanding the initial conditions. Could you confirm that you are referring to
syms y(x)
>> simplify(dsolve(diff(y,x) == x^2+y^2, y(1)==0.8))
ans =
piecewise(C5 ~= 0, (x*(4*besselj(-1/4, 1/2)*besselj(-3/4, x^2/2) + 4*besselj(1/4, 1/2)*besselj(3/4, x^2/2) + 5*besselj(-3/4, 1/2)*besselj(3/4, x^2/2) - 5*besselj(3/4, 1/2)*besselj(-3/4, x^2/2)))/(4*besselj(1/4, 1/2)*besselj(-1/4, x^2/2) - 4*besselj(-1/4, 1/2)*besselj(1/4, x^2/2) + 5*besselj(-3/4, 1/2)*besselj(-1/4, x^2/2) + 5*besselj(3/4, 1/2)*besselj(1/4, x^2/2)))
and you want taylor expansion of that without having solved the differential equation ?

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채택된 답변

PJS KUMAR 2018년 9월 25일
function D = dy(x,y)
f = x^2+y^2;
df = 2*x+2*y*f;
d2f = 2+2*(f^2+y*df);
d3f = 2*(2*f*df+f*df+y*d2f);
d4f = 2*(2*(df^2+f*d2f)+df^2+f*d2f+f*d2f+y*d3f);
D = [f df d2f d3f d4f];
suggest me to change the above code as given below, so that the differentiation is calculated by using diff function, without giving the differentiation directly in the program.
function D = dy(x,y)
f = x^2+y^2;
df = diff(f);
d2f = diff(df);
  댓글 수: 13
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 9월 26일
As I tried to get you to understand before:
If you are using a symbolic variable with a particular name, then you should strongly avoid using the same variable name for a different purpose, such as storing a list of particular locations to execute at, or such as storing the results of calculating the taylor series at particular locations.
Torsten 2018년 9월 27일
1. n is undefined.
2. You use i as a loop variable in both nested loops.
3. Walter's remark.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 9월 22일
As I already explained to you, because you have
y = [ 3/2, x^2 + y(x)^2, 2*x + 2*y(x)*diff(y(x), x), 2*diff(y(x), x)^2 + 2*y(x)*diff(y(x), x, x) + 2]
then the y on the left side refers to the same thing as the y on the right side, and so y(x) on the right side signifies array indexing. Your y vector is 5 elements long, so the only valid values of x for this would be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Each y(x) would resolve to a numeric scalar value, and diff() of a numeric scalar value is empty. Any operation involving an empty array returns an empty array, so all of the entries except the first two are going to disappear, leaving you only [3/2, x^2 + y(x)^2] to work with for preliminary consistency.
Now, with that subset, can x = 1 be made self-consistent? That would require that y(1) be 3/2, which seems plausible. With the subset, can x = 2 be made self-consistent? That would require that y(2) = x^2 + y(x)^2 = 2^2 + y(2)^2 . Rewriting as z = 4 + z^2 we can see that has only complex roots 1/2-1i*sqrt(15)*(1/2), 1/2+1i*sqrt(15)*(1/2) . Is that acceptable, to force y(2) to be complex valued?


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