matlab Compiler using mex file

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
Marc 2018년 9월 19일
댓글: Royi Avital 2020년 4월 28일
I have created a application with a GUI and compile it with matlab Compiler. This application uses a mex file to execute some functions. This mex file uses some dll. I have put the mex file and all the dll in the same directory as the compile application. When I activate the functionality that use the mex file, nothing append. The application never crash but the application do nothing. Is it the right way to use mex with a compiled application.
Thank you

답변 (8개)

Siddharth Bhutiya
Siddharth Bhutiya 2018년 9월 21일
If the application uses MEX, DLL or shared libraries, the dependency analyzer will not be able to detect it so you will have to add them as well as other dependencies that they might have, while compiling your application. Please refer to the link below for more details.

Marc 2018년 9월 21일
Thank you for you answer. I will look at your suggestion closely. I have tried to add manually the dll in the installed folder without success but I'm not sure I put it in the right folder. Do you have information in witch directory, (Application, AppData etc) I need to put the dll?
  댓글 수: 2
Siddharth Bhutiya
Siddharth Bhutiya 2018년 9월 21일
If you are compiling your MATLAB Application using mcc command you will have to use the -a option to add files and if you are using the GUI based MATLAB Compiler you can add them using the button with a plus sign under "Files required for your application to run". You can find more information about "mcc" command and other options in the documentation link below
Royi Avital
Royi Avital 2020년 4월 28일
Can I add a whole folder? Will it be added to "path" on deployment?
What Im after is what's the folder structure model for compiled applications.
Is it a single folder with all files?

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Marc 2018년 9월 24일
I have followed your advice and I have some improvements. Now all my dll files and mex files are installed in the right folder at the moment of the installation. By the same time I have also realized that is possible to keep the windows command line window open and get error message. The issue I have is exactly what I was thinking. The mex file is not found. What I do not understand is the application is looking for this mex file in a folder located in c:\users\[myuser]\appdata\local\temp\mcrcache9.1\...\... (really long path) why it is looking for the mex file in this path instead around the application and where the installer put it?
  댓글 수: 1
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2018년 9월 24일
The compiler generates a standalone application that can run on any PC, even that that does not have MATLAB installed. It make a self-contained package with anything it needs together and does not call any function outside the package.

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Marc 2018년 9월 24일
Yes I understand that this is the principle of using Matlab Compiler. Instead of that, I receive an error message that the package is looking for the mex file. The question is why it looking for this file outside of the application folder.
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 9월 24일
The exe produced and stored in the application folder efficiently unzips itself into a temporary directory that is not under the application folder. Think of the part that you install as being a self extracting archive.

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Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2018년 9월 24일
The packaging is put on CTF file or directly in EXE file then unpack the first time you run at the location where it think it's suitable, not necessary on your app folder.

Marc 2018년 9월 25일
I have follow the path given in the error message. As you explain, the code is just unpack in a location in the AppData directory. My concern is that my mex file is present in this folder. By reading again the error message I see that the problem is not because the mex file is not found but it is in valid: (my error : Invalid MEX-file ). I get this error also when I install my application on the same computer I have develop the application.
  댓글 수: 1
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2018년 9월 25일
How do you build the mex and the DLL?

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Marc 2018년 9월 25일
The Dll are dlls from an external library. I build the mex in matlab using mex function. The compiler I'm using is VisualStudio 2015. This mex is working great when I use it directly in the Matlab environment.
  댓글 수: 1
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2018년 9월 25일
Do you install the 2015 redistributable on the target computer?

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Marc 2018년 9월 25일
Not specifically but I got the same error message on the machine where VS2015 is installed (my development machine)


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