Linear fit with data uncertainty

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Niles Martinsen
Niles Martinsen 2012년 6월 22일
Fitting a polynomial in Matlab to some data (x, y) is easy using polyfit as e.g.
p_RvsT = polyfit(r_vs_t(:, 1), r_vs_t(:, 2), 1);
However, say that my y-data has some error assigned to it. I have searched the forum, but I can't find information on how to include the errors in the y-data. I would be very happy to be pointed in the correct direction.
Best, Niles.

답변 (1개)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2012년 6월 22일
How about the additional outputs in regress? Or if you're on R2012a, LinearModel? (Both of these require the Statistics Toolbox)


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