[r,c] =min(A) not returning index values

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Colin Tyznik
Colin Tyznik 2018년 9월 6일
편집: Greg 2018년 9월 6일
I am running into an issues using the [r,c] = min(A) command. I am using this with the intent of finding the row and column index of the minimum value element of the array.
instead, r is a vector of the lowest value element from each column, and c returns what row index of each value is. I am a little confused on what is going on.
  댓글 수: 3
Colin Tyznik
Colin Tyznik 2018년 9월 6일
Whoops. totally misread that initially. its evidently too late to troubleshoot matlab code. thanks very much.
Greg 2018년 9월 6일
Ahh, the I'm up way too late but gotta get this finished, and now I'm making silly mistakes. We've all been there. Good luck.

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답변 (1개)

Greg 2018년 9월 6일
편집: Greg 2018년 9월 6일
So the documentation fairly clearly states that output one is an array containing the minimum values, and the second output is the index of the first occurrence of each minimum value.
What might not be immediately obvious is that output two is exactly one dimension lower than the input (as opposed to 2 dimensions reduced). In your 2D example, "c" is a row vector that gives the row number of each column's minimum value location. You don't need a vector of column indices, because the column position in "c" is the column index of that min value. You're guaranteed a minimum value for each column, so the c array you wanted is simply 1:#columns.


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