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My signal value is 1*2560 double and i tried this code to plot the signal s = load('test.mat'); val = (val - 1024)/200; signal = val(1,1:1000) t = (0:length(​signal)-1)​/360; plot(t,signal).But can anybody explain about this code.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
My signal value is 1*2560 double and i tried this code to plot the signal
s = load('test.mat');
val = (val - 1024)/200;
signal = val(1,1:1000) ;
t = (0:length(signal)-1)/360;
But can anybody explain about this code.
  댓글 수: 4
sandhya sandhya
sandhya sandhya 2018년 9월 6일
편집: sandhya sandhya 2018년 9월 6일
t=load ('s5.mat'); X =t(:,1); %# numbers from all rows, column 1, into X Y =t(:,2); %# numbers from all rows, column 2, into Y plot(x,y,'o'); I tried this code but there is error Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

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