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How to solve multi-objective optimization problem of a single variable that can take only integer values?
조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I am trying to solve a multi-objective optimization problem where I only have a single variable that can take integer values. I tried the code provided by the Mathworks support team for imposing integer constraints which is written for two variables. I was able to use the functions provided in exampleIntGAMULTIOBJ.zip: @int_pop, @int_mutation, @int_crossoverarithmetic for solving problem with two variables. However, it doesn't work for the case of a single variable. What changes should I make to the functions provided to be able to make it work for single variable? Below is the link for the functions
댓글 수: 13
Jeff Miller
2018년 9월 3일
If there is only one integer variable to be adjusted, why not just try different values (e.g., with a for-loop across the acceptable range) and see which one works best?
Vamshi Krishna Gudipati
2018년 9월 4일
The range is huge and the computation cost for each loop is quite high.
Jeff Miller
2018년 9월 7일
Do you have any idea of the shape of the function that you are trying to optimize? E.g. what are its values for example integer parameter values, e.g., i=10,20,50,100,500,1000,10000,100000 (I'm just guessing about the range)? If the function is monotonic on both sides of the optimal point, then you should be able to narrow in on that point with something like a bisection method.
Vamshi Krishna Gudipati
2018년 9월 10일
Jeff, Thanks for your response. The function I am dealing with is non-linear and I don't have a clear idea of the shape of the function. Actually, I am more interested in trying to make the example code provided by Mathworks staff work for a single variable.
Vamshi Krishna Gudipati
2018년 9월 10일
I am interested to make the code provided in the above link to work for a single variable. I tried several possibilities but I keep on getting the following error. If you could help that would be great. Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in objAndConVectorizer (line 32) if isFeas(i)
Error in gamultiobjMakeState (line 225) [nextScore,nextC,nextCeq,nextIsFeas] = objAndConVectorizer(nextPopulation, ...
Error in gamultiobjsolve (line 8) state = gamultiobjMakeState(GenomeLength,FitnessFcn,ConstrFcn,output.problemtype,options);
Error in gamultiobj (line 274) [x,fval,exitFlag,output,population,scores] = gamultiobjsolve(FitnessFcn,nvars, ...
Error in Pareto_Optimization_RL_IC_HB (line 30) [x, f, exitflag, output, population, score] = gamultiobj(FitnessFunction,NOV,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,options);
Caused by: Failure in user-supplied fitness function evaluation. Cannot continue.
Thanks, Vamshi.
Cesar Antonio Lopez Segura
2018년 9월 11일
Hi Vamshi,
Can you share the code of your objective function? I can test it with Matlab opens source ga code.
Vamshi Krishna Gudipati
2018년 9월 11일
function y = HB_RegionalLoss_InitialCost(x)
[sec_prop,~] = xlsread('AISC_Shapes_Database.xls','Database v14.1');
Upload1 = importdata('PGA_short.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('Annual_exceedance_rate_short.txt');
PGA = Upload1.data; % Discretized PGA values (same PGA range that is used to develop neural network )
ARE = Upload2.data; % Annual rate of exceedance
% Probability of a pga value
PPGA(1) = 1-(1-exp(-0.528973)); % 0.528973 corresponds to 0.005 pga from the hazard curve
for i = 2:length(PGA)
PPGA(i) = (1-exp(-ARE(i-1)))-(1-exp(-ARE(i)));
r = 0.05; % discount rate
N = 50; % control period in years
%%Hospital Building
[HB_Designs,~] = xlsread('HB_Designs_sorted_short.xlsx');
HB_IC = xlsread('HB_Initial_Cost_short.xlsx');
HB_Initial_Cost = HB_IC(x(1)); % 2016 Cost Estimate
% Expected Failure Cost
Upload1 = importdata('1Drift.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('1Damage_ratio.txt');
Drift_vs_Damage = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('HB_2Damage_ratio.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('HB_2Recovery_time.txt');
Damage_vs_Recovery = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('3Damage_ratio.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('3Minor_injury_rate.txt');
Damage_vs_Minor_injury = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('4Damage_ratio.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('4Major_injury_rate.txt');
Damage_vs_Major_injury = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('5Damage_ratio.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('5Fatality_rate.txt');
Damage_vs_Fatality = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('HB_PWMinor_drift.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('HB_PWMinor_prob.txt');
Drift_vs_PWMinor_Damage = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('HB_PWModerate_drift.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('HB_PWModerate_prob.txt');
Drift_vs_PWModerate_Damage = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('HB_PWExtensive_drift.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('HB_PWExtensive_prob.txt');
Drift_vs_PWExtensive_Damage = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('HB_PWComplete_drift.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('HB_PWComplete_prob.txt');
Drift_vs_PWComplete_Damage = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
% fraction converted from one level of injury to other
Upload1 = importdata('11Damage_ratio.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('11Min_Maj_transfer.txt');
Damage_vs_Min_to_Maj_injury = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
Upload1 = importdata('12Damage_ratio.txt');
Upload2 = importdata('12Maj_Fat_transfer.txt');
Damage_vs_Maj_to_Fatality = [Upload1.data Upload2.data];
% Ref. MCEER report (System performance under multi-hazard environments)
DrR = [0.7 2.5 5]; % Drift Ratio limits based on FEMA 356-2000
% Amplified factor=ratio of area of structure/MCEER demonstration hospital
% structural costs
Str_RC = (138^2)/(275*56.5)*[280000 1512000 67500000 67500000]; % repair cost
Str_IC = (138^2)/(275*56.5)*[0 4380000 203670000 203670000]; % Indirect cost
HVAC_Chillers = ceil((138^2)/(275*56.5)*2); % rounded up to next integer
AL_HVAC = [2 4]; % acceleration limits
HVAC_RC = [90000 500000]; % HVAC repair cost per chiller
HVAC_IC = [139500 1395000]; % HVAC indirect cost per chiller
% Partition walls
PW_RC = [230 460 690 920]; % partition wall repair cost
PW_IC = [1500 3000 4500 4500]; % partition wall indirect cost
% Piping
DL_P = [1.1 2.2]; % drift ratio limits for existing system
P_RC = (138^2)/(275*56.5)*[5380 12770 14050]; % piping repair cost for all the floors combinedly
P_IC = (138^2)/(275*56.5)*[0 97650 1046250]; % piping indirect cost all floors
Max_CL = 1.85*HB_Initial_Cost; % Loss of Contents for 100% damage (1.85 factor from ATC-13, Table 4.11)
Max_RC = 276544.5573; % Relocation Cost per month for 100% damage
Max_MinIL = 854599.5; % Minor Injury Loss for 100% damage
Max_MajIL = 8545995; % Major Injury Loss for 100% damage
Max_DL = 4021781613; % Death Loss for 100% damage
% Drift Prediction
for j = 1:length(PGA)
NN_Input(j,:) = [sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),1),10) sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),2),10) sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),3),10) sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),4),10) ...
sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),5),10) sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),6),10) sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),7),10) sec_prop(HB_Designs(x(1),8),10) 50 PGA(j)];
Drift_Output = HB_NNFcn_BR_Drift_Ratio(NN_Input');
Drift_ratio_HB = round(Drift_Output',2);
Acc_Output = HB_NNFcn_BR_Abs_Acc(NN_Input');
Abs_Acc = round(Acc_Output',2);
for j = 1:length(Drift_ratio_HB)
if Drift_ratio_HB(j)<0.2
DmR = 0;
HB_RT(j) = 0;
MinIF = 0;
MajIF = 0;
DF = 0;
elseif (Drift_ratio_HB(j)>=0.2) && (Drift_ratio_HB(j)<=5)
DmR = Drift_vs_Damage(find(Drift_ratio_HB(j)==(Drift_vs_Damage(:,1)),1),2);
HB_RT(j) = Damage_vs_Recovery(find(DmR==(Damage_vs_Recovery(:,1)),1),2);
initial_MinIF = Damage_vs_Minor_injury(find(DmR==(Damage_vs_Minor_injury(:,1)),1),2);
if DmR<0.006
Min_to_MajIF = 0;
Min_to_MajIF = Damage_vs_Min_to_Maj_injury(find(DmR==(Damage_vs_Min_to_Maj_injury(:,1)),1),2);
MinIF = initial_MinIF*(1-Min_to_MajIF/100);
if DmR<=0.8
initial_MajIF = Damage_vs_Major_injury(find(DmR==(Damage_vs_Major_injury(:,1)),1),2);
if DmR<0.005
Maj_to_FatF = 0;
Maj_to_FatF = Damage_vs_Maj_to_Fatality(find(DmR==(Damage_vs_Maj_to_Fatality(:,1)),1),2);
MajIF = initial_MajIF*(1-Maj_to_FatF/100) + initial_MinIF*Min_to_MajIF/100;
DF = Damage_vs_Fatality(find(DmR==(Damage_vs_Fatality(:,1)),1),2);
DF = DF + initial_MajIF*Maj_to_FatF/100;
% linear interpolation
initial_MajIF = 0.04+((DmR-0.8)/0.2)*(0.4-0.04);
Maj_to_FatF = 100;
MajIF = initial_MajIF*(1-Maj_to_FatF/100) + initial_MinIF*Min_to_MajIF/100;
DF = 0.01+((DmR-0.8)/0.2)*(0.2-0.01);
DF = DF + initial_MajIF*Maj_to_FatF/100;
DmR = 1;
HB_RT(j) = 723.4;
% Minor injury completely transferred into major injury and major injury into death
% MinIF = 0.4;
MinIF = 0;
MajIF = 0.4;
DF = 0.2+0.4;
CL(j) = Max_CL*DmR;
RC(j) = Max_RC*HB_RT(j)/30;
MinIL(j) = Max_MinIL*MinIF;
MajIL(j) = Max_MajIL*MajIF;
DL(j) = Max_DL*DF;
% Structural cost evaluation
% Performance level identification
c = find(Drift_ratio_HB(j)<DrR,1); % to find the index of the matrix DrR
if isempty(c)==0
PL = c; % Performance Level
else PL = 4; % Drift > 5
Src(j) = Str_RC(PL); % repair cost
Sic(j) = Str_IC(PL); % indirect cost
% HVAC cost evaluation
% Performance level identification
c = find(Abs_Acc(j)<AL_HVAC,1);
if isempty(c)==0
PL = c; % Performance Level
else PL = 3; % Acc > 4
if PL==1
HVACrc(j) = 0;
HVACic(j) = 0;
HVACrc(j) = HVAC_Chillers*HVAC_RC(PL-1);
HVACic(j) = HVAC_Chillers*HVAC_IC(PL-1);
% Partition wall cost evaluation
PWrc(j) = 0;
PWic(j) = 0;
beds = ceil(138^2/(275*57.5)*93);
levels = {'Minor' 'Moderate' 'Extensive' 'Complete'};
for l=1:length(levels)
upload1 = importdata(char(strcat('HB_PW',levels(l),'_drift.txt')));
upload2 = importdata(char(strcat('HB_PW',levels(l),'_prob.txt')));
e = upload1.data;
f = upload2.data;
g = Drift_ratio_HB(j);
% probability of exceedance damage state
if g<=min(e)
pds(l) = 0;
elseif g>max(e)
pds(l) = 1;
else pds(l) = f(find(g==e,1));
% probability of each damage state
pd = pds;
for m=1:(length(levels)-1)
pd(m) = pds(m) - pds(m+1);
PWrc(j) = pd*PW_RC';
PWic(j) = beds*pd*PW_IC';
% Piping cost evaluation
% Performance level identification
if isempty(c)==0
PL = c; % Performance Level
else PL = 3; % Drift ratio > 2.2
Prc(j) = P_RC(PL);
Pic(j) = P_IC(PL);
HB_Annual_DD_Cost = (Src+HVACrc+PWrc+Prc+CL+Sic+HVACic+PWic+Pic+RC+MinIL+MajIL+DL)*PPGA; % Direct+Indirect+Social including death loss damage cost
HB_Exp_DD_Cost = HB_Annual_DD_Cost/r*(1-(1/(1+r)^N));
% HB_Rest_Time = RT*PPGA;
y(1) = HB_Initial_Cost;
y(2) = HB_Exp_DD_Cost;
Cesar Antonio Lopez Segura
2018년 9월 12일
Hi Vamshi,
To improve the efficiency of your code the first step could be separate the data processing (importdata, variable creation,... ) outside of function. And create a structure with all your data ( see the example below ):
Mydata.PGA = PGA';
Mydata. Are = Are;
Mydata.r = 0.05;
Mydata.N = 50;
Then, you can attach the structure variable "Mydata" and create a simplify function.
To use Mydata structure in your function it is possible to create a new input or declare Mydata as global.
function y = HB_RegionalLoss_InitialCost(x, Mydata)
function y = HB_RegionalLoss_InitialCost(x)
global Mydata
Finally, you can share (attach) your function and Mydata structure with MATLAB community.
Note: it is necessary that objective function has a single output. The code example has two outputs:
% HB_Rest_Time = RT*PPGA;
y(1) = HB_Initial_Cost;
y(2) = HB_Exp_DD_Cost;
If you need to minimize two objectives the function output could be:
y = WeightOne* HB_Initial_Cost + WeightTwo*HB_Exp_DD_Cost
The value of WeightOne and WeightTwo could depend of your priorities.
Vamshi Krishna Gudipati
2018년 9월 12일
Hello Cesar,
Thank you for your suggestions. It helped a lot to improve the run time.
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