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Heat transfer matlab code

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Fahad Pervaiz
Fahad Pervaiz 2018년 8월 22일
댓글: Kuifeng Zhao 2018년 8월 23일
I am trying to write a program to plot the temperature distribution in a insulated rod using the explicit Finite Central Difference Method and 1D Heat equation. The rod is heated on one end at 273.15k and exposed to ambient temperature on the right end at 268.15k. I am using a time of 1s, 11 grid points and a .002s time step. When I plot it gives me a crazy curve which isn't right. I think I am messing up my initial and boundary conditions. Here is my code.
L=1; t=1; k=.001; n=11; nt=500; dx=L/n; dt=.002; alpha=k*dt/dx^2; T0=273.15*ones(1,n); T1=268.15*ones(1,n); T0(1) = 268.15; T0(end) = 268.15; for j=1:nt T1(2:n-1) = T0(2:n-1) + alpha*(T0(3:n)-2*T0(2:n-1)+T0(1:n-2)); T0=T1; end plot(T1)
  댓글 수: 3
KALYAN ACHARJYA 2018년 8월 22일
편집: KALYAN ACHARJYA 2018년 8월 22일
What type of curve do you expect? As I have no idea about Heat Transfer
Kuifeng Zhao
Kuifeng Zhao 2018년 8월 23일
If you don't know what you are plotting, how do you know it gives you a curve 'which isn't right'? Then, what is the right thing you want to plot?

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